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Favorites menu/looting lag.


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When I normally play skyrim It's mostly 30-60 FPS, but Every single time I open and close the favorites menu and looting menu, the game stops for a second or 2, then picks up again. It gets really annoying.

I am running things like Hialgoboost and stutter remover and all of those fixes. I just can't figure out what causes the lag. Does anyone have any ideas?

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Can anyone help me with this? When I try to use the favorites menu to quickly switch weapons I get problems like the new weapon does not equip with the R key (or any key for that matter); sometimes if I draw an arrow the movement is there but there is no arrow and nothing shoots. If i draw a sword then its there in my hand but I can't swing it or it won't sheath. Its worse when fighting dragons.


The only way to reduce (not stop) this from occurring is to sheath the present weapon, open the favorites menu, switch the weapon, close the menu, activate the weapon. Can anyone help?

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