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Request for Mod on Regional/Racial Emphasis


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I would like someone to consider on a NPC mod that focuses on the gameplay consequences of racial identity. Not on stats and skills, but more focus on AI behavior towards a race. I was reading up on lore(and a few books by J. Tolkein :D) and realized that in order for a game/lore-based novel to have a prolonging "wow" factor, there must be a dynamical direction for a player/character to take while also being open to possibilities.
Since Skyrim is under major political instability, it would make sense that neighboring kingdoms(both enemy and independent) would want to involved in Skyrim's affairs in hopes of gaining and establishing some sort of benefit/gain.
There are only two mods that,when used together, sort of achieve these parameters ( Immersive Patrols and Wearing Faction Armor Causes Aggession) but only on a small and limited scale.
I propose to expand on this concept by including the allies of the Aldmeri Dominion and those of the Empire.
For instance, Towards the west of Skyrim there should be a increase number of Orsimer strongholds (since High Rock is on the west of Skyrim) and Breton people with their respective patrols. Whenever you are nearing an Orsimer stronghold, be aware of a Orc patrol nearby.
Since the Thalmor largely(if not all) comprise of High Elves, they are fine, however I think that Bosmer and Khajit races should be frequent appearances since they are diplomatically united under the Aldmeri Dominion. Bosmers, as skilled hunters and marksman, can be integrated as scouts for Thalmor regions/patrols/camps while the Khajits can serve as spies and watchman because of their keen eyes and prowess.
I will not expand on this concept in its entirety for fear it will be a tl;dr.
Another important aspect that should greatly enhance density is by integrating racial relationships among diplomatic factions. For example, while High Elves are inconsiderate towards many of the other races, they should be somewhat familiar and comfortable around Bosmer and Khajit beings because of the diplomatic alliance between their nations. While this is the case on paper, I wish this to be actually implemented in gameplay.
Using the racial relation mechanic, the Dragonborn be MORE cautious of what race he/she wants to pursue depending on what type of initial relationships he/she wants. Of course, later in the gameplay the Dragonborn can either increase racial relationships by doing quests from a racial representative (vanilla has some quests that marginally enhance/neutralize racial relationships of some races) or worsen racial relationships by killing/doing some hostile-negative action towards a racial representative (a racial rep. is a being of a particular race that the Dragonborn wants to impact).
So, for example, a orc patrol will either let you pass or act hostile towards your presence depending on what race you chose.
Thank so very much for your time. Please share with me your input on this.
Edited by lstfresh
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hey when you double post make sure to report it to the moderators


so you want it set up like in oblivion and morrowind where your race drastically changed how people treated you.


hey, thats racist...and i loved it. different possibilities for different races whould be not only immersive but also interesting to play.

1. Very Sorry for my negligence. 2. I guess that basically sums it, though with a few more enhancements similar to Immersive Patrols and the Wearing Faction Armor Causes Aggression. Covering this issue should revive some of the aspects that made TES games worth revisiting because of the endless and random possibilities. 3. Unfortunately, that is it at its basis. However, it brings more realism and immersion to the gameplay. I was reading through J.R.R. Tolkein's "Unfinished Tales" and I guess that got me thinking at how much impactful character relationships can be on the overall plot.

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And if you want to integrate lore into character interaction, there is a method that I think will be acceptable while also giving off some nostalgia: For example, you encounter a orc patrol (an indication that there is a orsimer stronghold nearby) and the head scout stops you with a forced- voiced- dialogue "You there..." or "Hey" (any available generic script) and then from there the rest of the conversation is all in text. The only issue I guess with this is to make the language and text immersive and interesting enough to maintain the player's reading attention span.

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Okay, I am considering pursuing this potential project on my, I just need one question: can mods be created on a laptop? Of course it depends on what system I have but I just want to know the relative comparisons between modding on a laptop and modding on a pc.

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Okay, I am considering pursuing this potential project on my, I just need one question: can mods be created on a laptop? Of course it depends on what system I have but I just want to know the relative comparisons between modding on a laptop and modding on a pc.

yes they can. depending on your system though, because if you cannot run Skyrim on it than it could be a pain to do.

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Okay, I am considering pursuing this potential project on my, I just need one question: can mods be created on a laptop? Of course it depends on what system I have but I just want to know the relative comparisons between modding on a laptop and modding on a pc.

yes they can. depending on your system though, because if you cannot run Skyrim on it than it could be a pain to do.


Okay, it runs skyrim very well though with some progressive heating issues (as expected from a laptop). How would you say is the feasibility of the racial recognition of an npc?

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well if it can run the game it can run the CK.


it seems possible considering when you play as any race other then Nord the natives of Skyrim (the Nords) will comment on it... so basically just expanding that is possible if you're willing to try. just a heads up though you're going to need voice actors to add the new dialog among other things. this will not be a small mod.

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