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At my wits end with trying to export from C:\Oblivion\Data..


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I must be doing something wrong. I'm reading the manuals and doing as they tell me to do but everytime I try to import a file into anything, the files from my C:\ProgramFiles\Bethesda\Oblivion\data\... they all show up empty. What is going on? I know it's not empty. It all loads onto my CS program okay so why aren't the files showing up when I want to import them into another program like BSA or Nifskope and I can't figure out how to even get my Oblivion folder to show in Blender.

Please someone just tell me what I'm doing wrong. It's not that I'm not trying or not reading manuals, watching tutorials on YouTube or not asking for help...I'm still no closer to importing data into my Blender program as I was before I even started thinking of modding. I'm frustrated with this whole thing already and I just want to know how to do it. A few members have been very kind in trying to help me but I keep having the same problem... all my Oblivion data files keep showing up empty when I try to extract anything like meshes, textures, etc...

Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong. I even tried extracting from my Oblivion folder shortcut on my desktop and from my back up drive but there's still nothing. :sad:

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The Oblivion Mods FAQ will save you many unnecessary headaches just like this one.


I assume you are using Vista or Win7 and installed Oblivion in the default folder under "Program Files"


The UAC security does not allow you to extract sub-folders (such as meshes and textures) from archives directly to any folder under the protected "C:\Program Files" folder structure.


Install your game to someplace other than the default such as C:\Games\Oblivion or D:\Oblivion, etc.



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you have to unpack the bsa files first with a utility like obmm, go to utilities, bsa browser, and select the bsa that contains what you're looking for then either browse through it and extract what you want or extract the whole thing once you do that you will be able to navigate to the meshes and textures and whatnot outside of the cs
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I have Windows XP. I'm sorry LHammonds but I'm stupid. I can read something and it makes no sense to me and I have no idea what they are talking about. That BSA extraction file is the exact thing I was using when I ran into that problem. It says nothing about having to make a whole new file for Oblivion directly to the C drive. Nothing. If that's not explained to me than I won't know to do it. It has...

  1. Download BSA Commander here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3311
  2. Install it somewhere such as under your Oblivion folder. Example: C:\Oblivion\bsacmd\
  3. Start BSA Commander and click the Open button.
  4. Navigate to your data folder and select a BSA file (this might take a while to open). Example: C:\Oblivion\Data\Oblivion - Meshes.bsa <~~~I thought he used this as a shortcut so he/she wouldn't have to write in C:\Program Files\BethesdaSoftware\Oblivion... Plus he has written "Example" so he said nothing about it HAVING to be C:\Oblivion\Data\Oblivion

Some people are better with reading long complicated manuals whereas others do better when they learn it step by step through trying it. I'm that kind of person but every little detail has to be explained to me in a simple form.


Im trying not to bug everybody but I cannot figure this out on my own.

I appreciate your explaining that to me but if you look, you'll see it says nothing about not being able to install the data from C:\ProgramFiles\BethesdaSoftworks\Oblivion.

That's all I needed to know. It's why I can't install the data. Okay, I understand now that I've read that that's what I have to do. The Oblivion Mod Facts link you gave me is more about installing mods. And he uses very complicated language for people who actually know what he's talking about and I don't. Like this about BSA....this is gibberish to me...


[edit] BSA Patcher

Download BSA Patcher.


BSA Patcher is a standalone program that will run with .NET 1.1 or with mono for those who don't have .NET 2.0. Like OBMM, it will rename textures in your BSA files if you also have the same texture in your Data folders. It does not offer all of the configuration options found in OBMM, but it will get the job done. The latest version (as of this writing) uses the same BSA alteration code from OBMM 0.7.10 and is vastly easier to use than previous versions.


You should probably still make a backup of your BSA files before using it just in case, but nobody has reported any corruption problems so far.


BSA Patcher automatically invalidates ALL replacement files, regardless of type. This is not really necessary, since only textures have a problem loading, but it does get the job done.


Put BSAPatch.exe into your Oblivion\Data folder and double-click it once to rename textures in your BSA. Run it again to restore them to their original names.


You can find more information on BSAPatch usage in ArchiveInvalidation Destroyed.



[<a href="http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php?title=Oblivion_Mods_FAQ&action=edit&section=25" title="Edit section: Other Solutions">edit] Other Solutions





It says nothing about having to make an Oblivion\Data file immediately in the C:\ drive. I don't see it. Maybe it's right there in my face but I don't see it. I told you, I'm stupid.

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you have to unpack the bsa files first with a utility like obmm, go to utilities, bsa browser, and select the bsa that contains what you're looking for then either browse through it and extract what you want or extract the whole thing once you do that you will be able to navigate to the meshes and textures and whatnot outside of the cs

Hi Antanti, I don't have my Oblivion\data folder in the right place for BSA to unpack them and that's why I was having so much trouble. Thank you for your help though.

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you have to unpack the bsa files first with a utility like obmm, go to utilities, bsa browser, and select the bsa that contains what you're looking for then either browse through it and extract what you want or extract the whole thing once you do that you will be able to navigate to the meshes and textures and whatnot outside of the cs


Do what @antanti said. Use the BSA extractor from OBMM. Just extract the meshes/textures/sounds whatever you like to your desktop. Using the BSA from OBMM is much more easy then using BSA Commander. Once you' ve learned how to use OBMM's extractor you can still try it with BSA Commander.


And if you're just up to altering/modifiyng some textures you should use Gimp with .dds plugin instead of Blender. Blender is a pro modders tool. It can achieve almost anything related to textures and meshes, but it takes it's time to learn how to use it. You get Gimp here and the .dds plugin here


Hi Antanti, I don't have my Oblivion\data folder in the right place for BSA to unpack them and that's why I was having so much trouble. Thank you for your help though.


It doesn't matter where you've placed your Oblivion/Data folder. You can search for it within the OBMM BSA Extractor. If you can't find them then this is probably related to this...


I assume you are using Vista or Win7 and installed Oblivion in the default folder under "Program Files"


The UAC security does not allow you to extract sub-folders (such as meshes and textures) from archives directly to any folder under the protected "C:\Program Files" folder structure.


Install your game to someplace other than the default such as C:\Games\Oblivion or D:\Oblivion, etc.


In this case, just copy the whole Oblivion/Data folder to a place where the extractor can find it. Also, in Windows7 you have to be logged in as Administrator. There are also tutorials on the Nexus that show you how to circumvent this.

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you have to unpack the bsa files first with a utility like obmm, go to utilities, bsa browser, and select the bsa that contains what you're looking for then either browse through it and extract what you want or extract the whole thing once you do that you will be able to navigate to the meshes and textures and whatnot outside of the cs


Do what @antanti said. Use the BSA extractor from OBMM. Just extract the meshes/textures/sounds whatever you like to your desktop. Using the BSA from OBMM is much more easy then using BSA Commander. Once you' ve learned how to use OBMM's extractor you can still try it with BSA Commander.


And if you're just up to altering/modifiyng some textures you should use Gimp with .dds plugin instead of Blender. Blender is a pro modders tool. It can achieve almost anything related to textures and meshes, but it takes it's time to learn how to use it. You get Gimp here and the .dds plugin here


Hi Antanti, I don't have my Oblivion\data folder in the right place for BSA to unpack them and that's why I was having so much trouble. Thank you for your help though.


It doesn't matter where you've placed your Oblivion/Data folder. You can search for it within the OBMM BSA Extractor. If you can't find them then this is probably related to this...


I assume you are using Vista or Win7 and installed Oblivion in the default folder under "Program Files"


The UAC security does not allow you to extract sub-folders (such as meshes and textures) from archives directly to any folder under the protected "C:\Program Files" folder structure.


Install your game to someplace other than the default such as C:\Games\Oblivion or D:\Oblivion, etc.


In this case, just copy the whole Oblivion/Data folder to a place where the extractor can find it. Also, in Windows7 you have to be logged in as Administrator. There are also tutorials on the Nexus that show you how to circumvent this.


Hi Rifler,

I just tried it and it still came back with empty folders. LHammonds had said that you can't extract from the program files because it's against the license. I'm making a copy of my "Data" in an Oblivion folder now directly under the C:\ drive and hopefully this will work and I can stop pestering everyone. :unsure: I know I've been a real pain in the butt. But I do appreciate everyone who's taking out the time to help me. In return I promise to upload some of the coolest mods for your game. Decorative mods but really cool decorative mods. :woot:

LHammonds has been guiding me through this whole process and I wish I could give him more than one Kudos. But I can't so I'll give him a :kiss: "muah" instead. On the cheek. Nothing too aggressive. Lol.

Thanks again.

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Extracting Meshes BSA with BSA Commander -


I`m assuming you have BSA Commander on your machine.


1.Start BSA Commander




2.Click the open button top left of the screen




3.In the requester that pops up,navigate to your oblivion folder and select meshes. BSA,then click open




4.This could take a while depending on the speed of your machine,just let it run,you will hear a sound when it is done,you should now see this




5.Since you`ve got this far you may aswell unpack all the meshes at once,click check all on the right side of the screen,all the files will now have a tick next to them.Click the unpack button highlighted in the picture above and the screen below should be showing.Click the highlighted button,it looks like 3 little dots.




6.This screen will open.Once again to keep things easy,navigate to your desktop in the requester,select it then click okay




7.Click the unpack button and wait,this will also take a while so go and make a coffee or something :biggrin:




8.When its done you should have 3 files on your desktop,inside these are you meshes.



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Hi Darkstone,

Lol, you know where I'm coming from...Duuuuh! :tongue: Thank you.

Another thing I was doing wrong was I was trying this Oblivion\Data\Meshes...

And I wasn't clicking on the Oblivion files-master files?-but in my Data folder and they're not even shown in envelopes, it' an icon with a picture of a window on it. Well, at least I know how to import now. Yays! :teehee:


Cool computer wallpaper, by the way.

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