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Fires and magic effects stuttering and freezing


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i seem to be having a problem with fire,magic effects and doors are stuttering and freezing. i dont know what this problem is being caused by o what it is called. i cant seem to find any kind of patch or fix that says anything about this problem. can anyone help me?
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Another poster just reported having this same problem. This is what I suggested to him. I hope it helps you as well:


There is a little bug that occurs when you have put around 200 hours into the game. It sounds as though this might be happening to you. When it happens to me, the fires no longer flicker, doors and gates open and close for like 10 minutes each way and things in general slow down, animations wise.


There is a little program called Animation Fixer that might be what you're needing. You can find it here: http://www.tesnexus....ile.php?id=5127


The description is pretty concise, so once you read it, I think you'll know whether this is your problem or not. I've had to use it about 3 times, lol I've got that many hours in. But it works like an absolute charm. You run it and your game is fixed. I hope that helps!


Good luck to you as well! :smile:

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