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Genious Idea~


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Whilst playing MoHAAS i thought id quit and go play Morrowind.My character was a marksman/thief.Then i thought,i wish i had my Mauser Kar 98k rifle right now :ph34r: ...Then it hit me! What if someone were to take the skins of a weapon from a game such as MoHAAS and make an animation for reloading and suck and put it in the game! That would be cool.Problem is,i suck with the TES editor and i cannot do anything in it.That is why im just throwing out my idea for any of you programmers and such out there.Feel free to use it.
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Im talking about a Mauser Kar 98k :ph34r: .its a world war 2 rifle man.

Don´t insult me, of course i know what it is! I have MOHAA too.

You know youd just love to hunt down a cliff racer and blast it with a slug,i mean really.who wouldnt?

Actually....... no.

When i have that urge i usually play a game that´s meant to have weapons; weapons would only ruin Morrowind.

If you want to shoot things is sugest you use bows and/or magic.

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