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Giving cars more HP


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I found some mods for Fallout 3 that will stop cars, trucks and buses from exploding. I even found one that changes the explosions.

But I couldn't find one that simply gave them more "HP", as it were.


Is there a simple way to increase the amount of damage a vehicle can take before it explodes?


A few bullets into the front fender seems far fetched to make the nuclear reactor at the BACK explode. I know making a location relative damage mesh for cars would be a lot of work, so I think this would be a good go-between.

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xD wow that's old didn't think it was still up...but changing the car damage isn't that difficult what did you have in mind? Oh and if i member correctly that doesn't work with lootable vehicles. I never got around to making them compatible. It should be simple enough though.
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