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Wall-E Companion


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Just a fancy idea of a Wall-E companion with a simple laser attack and recycling ability, maybe converting useless metal objects or weapons into scrap metal, and scrap metal into common ammunition. Maybe EVE too with a more powerful laser attack and nuka/water purifier (radiation clean).
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Making them 'essential' even if things shoot him he won't destroy and if done well, the person could get voices from the movie to had to his 'panic'.
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This would be Hilarious xD but i like the idea. "wall-e would so so cute to have following you but i wouldn't wants things shooting at him hes so cute and helpless T.T " I agree wed have to give him a secret weapon something big and scary xD
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Wall-e could have a LAZOR haha

Fleeing from battle, then suddenly play the sound "IMA FIERIN' MAH LAZOR BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM"

And kill all the enemies wothin one km :teehee:



Well for sure I don't want that. Maybe if you got both Wall-E and EVE, when he's down, she could have a pretty strong berserk attack.

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If anyone picks this up I might help out if i have the time. It wont be anything big but something small like sounds maybe or possibly nifskope or geck work...Simply because I LOVE that movie :thumbsup:
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... give him a secret powerful weapon that destroys all.


I really don't like that uber|weapon idea, it would just defile Wall-E's cute and sweet character.

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