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Wall-E Companion


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Yeah, he's basically a self-aware trash collector/compactor. I think he has a laser but its only for cutting garbage into more manageable pieces. Besides, he was made by Buy n' Large, the most evil robot they ever managed to create was a steering wheel who tried taking over the ship to keep humans away from danger.


In action, I'd say that WALL-E does the following:


1. Follows the player around cutely.

2. If he finds anything laying on the ground, he runs over and puts it into his chest compartment (probably avoids picking up things marked as belonging to others... you know, stealing from shops or whatnot).

3. If the player speaks with him, they can open his compartment to pick through the stuff he finds and keep it.

4. They can also order him to compact the stuff in his compartment, effectively converting it all into scrap metal or random junk or destroying it.

5. If combat is started, he folds up into a box and hides. Enemies don't attack him in this state and he is considered essential anyway so he can't die.

6. He has an advanced radio built in that lets him play GNR no matter where in the wasteland he is. This can be turned on or off.

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I agree with Rossum about WALL-E but also Kalahee's idea was good. WALL-E should be able to call EVE in case if something is getting really nasty and she helps to shoot the enemy. But this would be only available outside in the Wastland.


We could also have a quest with WALL-E and EVE like from movie to save EVE from aliens ship or something. (But i think WALL-E himself would be an AMAZING add-on).

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Yeah, he's basically a self-aware trash collector/compactor. I think he has a laser but its only for cutting garbage into more manageable pieces. Besides, he was made by Buy n' Large, the most evil robot they ever managed to create was a steering wheel who tried taking over the ship to keep humans away from danger.


In action, I'd say that WALL-E does the following:


1. Follows the player around cutely.

2. If he finds anything laying on the ground, he runs over and puts it into his chest compartment (probably avoids picking up things marked as belonging to others... you know, stealing from shops or whatnot).

3. If the player speaks with him, they can open his compartment to pick through the stuff he finds and keep it.

4. They can also order him to compact the stuff in his compartment, effectively converting it all into scrap metal or random junk or destroying it.

5. If combat is started, he folds up into a box and hides. Enemies don't attack him in this state and he is considered essential anyway so he can't die.

6. He has an advanced radio built in that lets him play GNR no matter where in the wasteland he is. This can be turned on or off.


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Yeah, he's basically a self-aware trash collector/compactor. I think he has a laser but its only for cutting garbage into more manageable pieces. Besides, he was made by Buy n' Large, the most evil robot they ever managed to create was a steering wheel who tried taking over the ship to keep humans away from danger.


In action, I'd say that WALL-E does the following:


1. Follows the player around cutely.

2. If he finds anything laying on the ground, he runs over and puts it into his chest compartment (probably avoids picking up things marked as belonging to others... you know, stealing from shops or whatnot).

3. If the player speaks with him, they can open his compartment to pick through the stuff he finds and keep it.

4. They can also order him to compact the stuff in his compartment, effectively converting it all into scrap metal or random junk or destroying it.

5. If combat is started, he folds up into a box and hides. Enemies don't attack him in this state and he is considered essential anyway so he can't die.

6. He has an advanced radio built in that lets him play GNR no matter where in the wasteland he is. This can be turned on or off.

7. While traveling with WALL-E as a companion radroaches are friendly towards you. (As the ghoul mask makes ghouls friendly.)

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Actually, making a model of him would be pretty difficult. But there are Protectrons that sort of have WALL-E's look.


Maybe use a regular Protectron model (or one of the yellow Metro Protectron, or the Factor Protectron from The Pitt) and shrink it down to a roughly WALL-E size. Then give it WALL-E's voice and actions. Maybe instead of folding up when battle hits then he shuts down as if hit with the Robotics Expert perk. Then when things calm down he starts back up again.


Should be a good substitute if we can't get a real WALL-E model.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, making a model of him would be pretty difficult. But there are Protectrons that sort of have WALL-E's look.


Maybe use a regular Protectron model (or one of the yellow Metro Protectron, or the Factor Protectron from The Pitt) and shrink it down to a roughly WALL-E size. Then give it WALL-E's voice and actions. Maybe instead of folding up when battle hits then he shuts down as if hit with the Robotics Expert perk. Then when things calm down he starts back up again.


Should be a good substitute if we can't get a real WALL-E model.


I disagree with you fully my friend. This would be an awful caricature of WALL-E. If we want to have WALL-E as a companion, we have to find somebody good at graphics (cause i am sh**) and who know how to make a mod like this. I think such a person would have the most endorsments ever!

But let's come back to the Protectron model - resizing the model would change it shape.


There are only two choices - a real 3D WALL-E or nothing. ;(

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I would love to see WALL-E I think I have an idea for a gun tho... one of those Alien robot gun parts from Operation Zeta.WALL-E can make one that fires a high energy laser but it breaks totally after 6 shots and he has to make a new one... it can 1 shot kill just about anything... but when it's gone he has to scrounge the parts to make a new one.


All in all tho I think WALL-E would be such a dear as a companion

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