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Random crashes


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Alright, here's the deal. As I downloaded the Frederyck Tactical Weapons Mod to give it a try, the game suddenly crashed. Thinking that I may use a bit too many Mods, I uninstalled and deleted those I didn't use. Of course, I got an error saying that if may cause of the gameplay effect. This, however, is not the real issue as I have found a solution in the past and by simple reinstalling the rest of the Mods, the game ran perfectly. Now back to the point: After I uninstalled the Mods I don't need, I activated the Tactical Weapons Mod again only to find it still crashing and again, I thought that the Mod is simply too big so I unactivated it again but now the game crashes about anything I do. Of course, I can move around without a problem but whenever I kill or talk to someone, quick travel or simply quick save it - It crashes.


So, any help?

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Alright, here's the deal. As I downloaded the Frederyck Tactical Weapons Mod to give it a try, the game suddenly crashed. Thinking that I may use a bit too many Mods, I uninstalled and deleted those I didn't use. Of course, I got an error saying that if may cause of the gameplay effect. This, however, is not the real issue as I have found a solution in the past and by simple reinstalling the rest of the Mods, the game ran perfectly. Now back to the point: After I uninstalled the Mods I don't need, I activated the Tactical Weapons Mod again only to find it still crashing and again, I thought that the Mod is simply too big so I unactivated it again but now the game crashes about anything I do. Of course, I can move around without a problem but whenever I kill or talk to someone, quick travel or simply quick save it - It crashes.


So, any help?

Random crashes are unavoidable. The most effective way to reduce them is to go through in FOMM and:

  • Enable "bold ESMs" in the settings, then move all .esm files to the top (UNDER Fallout3.esm) and if it flags any .esp files rename them to [mod name].esm.
  • Go through and disable any files that modify the same thing. (Example: 2 mods that fix the Chinese Pistol, 2 mods that modify the same room) TESSnip (part of FOMM tools) is useful for finding conflicts.
  • If you don't use the expansions, go to FOMM > Install tweaker and enable fake xlive.dll. It will make your install a lot more stable.
  • Running as administrator can't hurt (usually have to do this anyway)
  • Never ever ever mix race/hair mods unless they're specially made to be compatible.

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