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Tag based search


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If this has been explained before, please excuse me. It has come to my attention that a great number of mods miss tags. I'm not talking about new mods, but very old Morrowind/Oblivion mods. I don't know about DA or F3 tags as I rarely/never use the sites, but I often check Morrowind/Oblivion (TesNexus) files. With only 27600 confirmed tags and over 20.000 mods available and knowing that most tagged mods have at least 3-4 tags, well you can imagine the amount of mods that have none. So isn't this making the tag seach a little pointless? I think that if we want a better tag search sistem, something should be done about this. Mayby inform the uploader about why are tags important via a message when he/she uploads the file? I have talked with modders that have no idea what tags are and therefore they never used them.


Well, thanks for reading.






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Unfortunately, many of the mods which lack tags are those which are older mods who have authors that no longer come around. While adding tagging as a primary step to the upload process would certainly help encourage use of the system for new mods, history has shown that it is the older mods which end up getting left behind.
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New mods become old very fast around here and I noticed that many of the new ones lack tags to. So in order to prevent the tag search to become even less functionable we should try to solve this "problem" as soon as posible. More untagged mods will only make the sistem worse than it is. With a quick "message fix" we can at least slow down the process until a better solution is found. I might be wrong, but right now the sisten is only working for less than 40% of the available mods. I know things like this might take some time to be implemented. I'm not expecting this to be done right now. I was just pointing you guys in a right direction, I hope. :sweat:





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I wouldn't say that the system is pointless. Many of the mods you "want" to find have been tagged. If not, you can easily tag them yourself if you are familiar with the mod and know what needs to be tagged. I have personally tagged thousands of mods and I'm probably the single largest "tagger" on the site (well, for Oblivion that is).


I recommend to all players to check their favorite mods and see if they have been tagged...if not, figure out what tags need to be set and do it.


If you see a favorite mod author that is still actively uploading mods and not setting the search tags, let him/her know about the search tags and the benefit it has to helping people find their mod.


If you feel that "every" mod should be tagged, go through the categories and do quick-tagging (partial)...such as going through all the cheat mods and tagging them "Oblivion" + "Cheats" which almost doesn't even require knowing anything about the mod if they are in the cheat category. The next easy tag is "Language - English" since most are in English but you have to make sure the description is English before you assume the plugin/readme is English too.



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Well, I'm doing the best I can myself. I have 2500+ tags for mods I downloaded and for some mods that I had time to look at during the making of my list of Oblivion mods. I took you as an example LHammonds. I did not know what tags are, until a couple of months ago(mayby a year), but when I checked your Nexus profile one day I've seen the huge number of tags you had so I decided to see what's that all about. I tag most of the mods I download and sometimes tell authors that don't about them. I'm not saying the tag search is completly pointless, but it's not "complete". I don't know how many people use it, but it sure deserves more taking care of. :sweat:
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when I checked your Nexus profile one day I've seen the huge number of tags you had
Huh? Oh, you're right...I missed that. Learn something new every day. Seems the 7,660 is related to mod pages...not the actual number of tags set. :laugh:
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