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Long War for Mac OS/X - pointers / advice?


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Sorry if this is the wrong thread. I've been asked to post the quick instructions I made for someone who had problems with the basics of running the install on OSX.


Warning: this is very basic :smile:


1. unzip the downladed install directory/folder then open that folder so it is accessible for dragging and place that window somewhere out of the way

2. start up the program Terminal (make certain that both windows, the one from above and the Terminal window are visible and accessible)


How I write stuff here:

<> these angled brackets contain instructions on what goes there

In Terminal, every command to the system has to be sent with the enter or return key on the keyboard.


3. in Terminal enter

cd <from Finder, drag the folder/directory containing the installation stuff here>

You should now see a change at the beginning of the command line. Where before it probably displayed something similar to (this is from my machine):

eves MacPro:~ eve$

It will now display something similar to (again, from my machine):

eves MacPro:LW-EW-Linux-OSX-b14-build5c2 eve$

4. Now, enter


You might need to answer a few questions but depending on your Steam installation, the LW install will run through without problems now.

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Sorry to hijack this thread but I have a 2009 mac and I tried downloading this mod. I keep my xcom on a separate hard drive and tried downloading the mod directly too the separate hard drive. I followed some of the earlier instructions in this thread about typing in the code for install but I am barely starting things like linux and have no real idea what I am doing.


I followed Eleve's instructions above but I am not certain I dragged the correct folder into the terminal.


Is there a clear explanation of how to download this mod somewhere in this thread? I know I could possibly find something in all this but if someone could point me in the right direction and answer any questions I have that would be great. Thanks

Edited by standardprice90
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I do have the steam version of the games. I have however downloaded the game onto an external hard drive. I followed the steps listed above trying both the install files folder and the install-LW-OSX.sh files after the from Finder, step and I received this error: -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'


I am not sure what newline it is talking about although I have a very poor knowledge of coding and perhaps I misunderstood the instructions clearly when I typed in the code.


Could the problem also be that the game is simply not on my computer and therefore is not recognized by Longwar? If that is true then could an external hard drive simply not work for this game?

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I am having plenty of issues with the OSX version.


Last night I played about 4 missions and everything went fine. I never saved the game unfortunately so I had to start over. After beating the first missions when I assigned a power to a soldier the game crashed. Link to crash report.


I tried this a few times in several different ways but it always crashes. I tried to run the uninstaller, but correct me if I am wrong, seems to be the same file as the OSX installer. Meaning it wont uninstall, it only tells me Long War was successfully installed. I tried looking at both the installer and uninstaller with Sublime and to my untrained eye they seem to be identical. Probably a packaging mistake? But I sure would like the OSX uninstaller because currently I cannot play longwar or vanilla...


Anyone have any ideas for me? Ideally Long War would work the same way it did last night...

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