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Filter for script & Effect script problem.


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Hi, all

Sorry if these were dumb question. But I just set my feet in G.E.C.K.

(and did some searching before asking.)


The first is that : How can I filter a script from a certain ESP/ESM

file from the others? Or is there a tool to dump all script from these file

formats? The editor interface in GECK couldn't help me to sort out the

script I am looking for.


The 2nd is that: There a some object effect binding to weapon like

EnchParalysis, EnchDargun... Where are these effect defined?


The 3rd is that: Is there a possible way to search through ALL script

at once by a certain keywords?


Thank you who doesn't hesitate to help a newbie in advance. m(_~_)m

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Hi sbbg,


If you haven't tried it already, I recommend you download FO3Edit. Like the GECK, it is a tool that allows you to edit ESP and ESM files for Fallout 3.


FO3Edit focuses more on form manipulation than the GECK, and lacks tools to deal with cell editing and script compilation, but has a very useful interface when it comes to viewing data on a "per file" basis.


Those forms are either object effects or base effects, which can be found under "Game Effects" in the GECK's object tree. Object effects, like actor effects and ingestibles, apply their effects via effect items. Each effect item used in an object effect, actor effect or ingestible is associated with a base effect, which defines the behaviour that the effect uses, such as an effect script or an actor value to manipulate.


The GECK has a very useful search tool, which can be found under "Edit > Find Text". In here, you can select the "scripts" tab to search through scripts for a particular keyword.



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