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Texture Troubles.


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Hello, I recently reformatted my computer and in an effort to maintain all my Oblivion mods in their order, I simply reinstalled Oblivion and then deleted the folder, replacing it with the folder from the previous build.


Needless to say, there were issues.


The biggest of which was Archive Invalidation, most were fixed by running the wonderful utility on OBMM; the rest fixed easy enough by re installing that particular mod. All's well and back to Oblivioning...


Or so I thought.


I have a fantastic mod called Mistwater Manor, adds a house outside the Imperial City on the shores of Lake Rumere - and upon walking into my humble abode, I was slammed with the evil yellow exclamation marks of texture loss!

Well, reinstall the manor, of course! You say, but here's the real clincher,


Mistwater Manor is 100% vanilla textures.


Uh Oh, Uh Oh indeed.


So I go down the list and I blame Qarl's Texture III, 1.3 and say, "Reinstalling QTP should fix this" so I do the OBMM version and ensure I do the BSA Archive Invalidation step perfectly, and still the error persists.


Somehow I need to figure out exactly what textures are missing or misplaced and exactly how to fix it, so I can SEE my house again.


Please any assistance is helpful and I am always looking to learn more about Oblivion modding. I need to find the specific textures that are lost, where they are and how to repair the damage.


Thank you all for your attention,



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Vanilla assets are never removed, just overwritten when you start the game. They are still there in the bsa files that are not changed by mods. If the mesh & texture that replaced them are removed, the vanilla assets will return.


Try using refscope to find what mod it is looking for in the game. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21862

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Alright so this will tell me precisely what textures are missing, what would be my next step do I want to find the mod that replaced these or do I just want to restore vanilla?


Also, the room is full of Yellow - so much so simple navigation is troubling; in a room that is completely a mod itself! How can I distinguish what RefScope sees as Mistwater, as missing and as vanilla textures that work fine. I'll need to be able to differentiate all these levels


Again thank you for your continued assistance.

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I recently reinstalled windows and ran into a few issues like this, but they were all fixed when I installed archive invalidation invalidated:




It fixed pretty much all of my texturing issues, even some that were present since before the reinstall. I highly recommend it.



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Thanks Razorpony, I'll give this a try right away.


In further news I think I've narrowed it down, it's something with "clutter" goblets, pans, dishes non-silver I think.


I'll try this Arch. Inva. Invalidated suggestion and post the results.

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Alright an update on both strategies,


Apparently on RefScope it's impossible to select a large yellow exclamation mark, I tried hard and was unable to select it - I always selected things behind it even the floor or walls, how to navigate to a missing texture I am not sure.


Though the A.I.I. is a GREAT tool and has summarily replaced all my other myriad "archive invalidators" it was sadly unable to quell this issue in Mistwater Manor and other homes and buildings throughout Cyrodiil. I do have one theory I'd like to forward.


There is a MASSIVE gathering of these exclamations on the second floor of the Bravil Fighter's Guild, just to the left of the door on a free standing stack of shelves.


Whatever "they" are, this is it - and there's a bunch. I can't see them of course, but whatever is there, is what needs to be replaced. If anyone wants to run to Bravil and check, we'd be one step closer.


Also it is possible I am misusing RefScope but I could see no way to select "missing" textures.


Thanks again, I hope this is resolved soon



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I apologize for triple posting, but I have had a huge breakthrough.


Unfortunately, the RefScope is not meant to find the large, yellow exclamation marks, and here's why:




Missing textures simply appear grey or black, and that's (almost) always an archive invalidation error. If anyone has these errors, please use the Archive Invalidation Invalidator utility mentioned earlier in this thread as this will PERMANENTLY maintain texture associations and you'll never have to invalidate again, ever.


However - to business, thanks to a wonderful article on the Construction Set Wiki




a large yellow "!" represents a MISSING MESH, it means the model for the shape of something is no longer present!


The same article recommends a mod called FormID Finder, in ADDITION to replacing the massive !'s with tiny little red signs (so you can TELL what's missing!) it enables a command to shift+right click on one of these signs to yield all the information, such as the texture path, mesh path and any additional information (location, stats etc.)


Doing this, revealed I am missing the MESHES to most BOOKS in the game, in addition to missing the meshes I am also missing their icons, which in hindsight makes sense as I was wondering why they weren't showing up!!


I clicked on Immortal Blood for my example, as books share a common folder, and I found the mesh is in




Well, that makes sense it's missing as I don't have a "pa" folder in meshes. I would have thought this was Vanilla oblivion, but as it is NOT in the BSA "Meshes" I am figuring it isn't and some mod has replaced the book.


Now the hard part, I am not sure WHICH mod has replaced it, or uses the folder "pa". So again I find myself at a dead end. I've posted this particular post in such a way that I hope others with similar errors can find help here and hopefully a solution, I know with Win7 coming out and new and better hardware like cheap i7's many people are reformatting their HDDs and are likely to have similar issues if they enjoyed Modding TES4.


The quest continues and I will be tenacious to find where "PA" came from!



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I apologize for triple posting, but I have had a huge breakthrough.


Unfortunately, the RefScope is not meant to find the large, yellow exclamation marks, and here's why:




Missing textures simply appear grey or black, and that's (almost) always an archive invalidation error. If anyone has these errors, please use the Archive Invalidation Invalidator utility mentioned earlier in this thread as this will PERMANENTLY maintain texture associations and you'll never have to invalidate again, ever.


However - to business, thanks to a wonderful article on the Construction Set Wiki




a large yellow "!" represents a MISSING MESH, it means the model for the shape of something is no longer present!


The same article recommends a mod called FormID Finder, in ADDITION to replacing the massive !'s with tiny little red signs (so you can TELL what's missing!) it enables a command to shift+right click on one of these signs to yield all the information, such as the texture path, mesh path and any additional information (location, stats etc.)


Doing this, revealed I am missing the MESHES to most BOOKS in the game, in addition to missing the meshes I am also missing their icons, which in hindsight makes sense as I was wondering why they weren't showing up!!


I clicked on Immortal Blood for my example, as books share a common folder, and I found the mesh is in




Well, that makes sense it's missing as I don't have a "pa" folder in meshes. I would have thought this was Vanilla oblivion, but as it is NOT in the BSA "Meshes" I am figuring it isn't and some mod has replaced the book.


Now the hard part, I am not sure WHICH mod has replaced it, or uses the folder "pa". So again I find myself at a dead end. I've posted this particular post in such a way that I hope others with similar errors can find help here and hopefully a solution, I know with Win7 coming out and new and better hardware like cheap i7's many people are reformatting their HDDs and are likely to have similar issues if they enjoyed Modding TES4.


The quest continues and I will be tenacious to find where "PA" came from!




Looks like you have 'Book Jacket' plugin without associated meshes and textures(or installed it incorrectly).

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HAH, Hello LFact


As you posted this I had just figured that out and in fact was in the middle of writing an EDIT to my previous post about it.


Because of this I now account this issue resolved and would like to thank every one of you, LFact, razorpony and BBen46 for their help with this issue.


A quick Google or TES Nexus search of the missing mesh / XXX folder will likely yield whatever mod it is that is missing and I certainly hope that those unfortunate enough to have this error will refer to this post for help in the future, to quickly remedy any missing meshes OR textures!


The A.I.I. Utility posted by razorpony is simply fantastic and prevents one from ever messing around with that archiveinvalidation.txt ever again! BBen's suggestion of RefScope is perfect for missing textures and the information I dug up about Find ObjectID is exactly what those cursed with the MISSING MESH !'s need, almost as helpful as showing the location of the mesh is it's changing of the NO MESH warning, from a massive 20 foot exclamation mark to a small 5 inch stop-sign, just pointing the cursor over this tells one exactly what is missing (a book for instance). Then in most cases (say Adonnay's Elven Longblades) it's obvious what is missing!


I thank you all again for your efforts and hope this will be helpful to those in the future with bugs and bops.





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