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Where should I start?


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always start in the "top" downloads of any mod site



then consider a variant of "top" - here its named "Files of the Month" - and check every month in the list



after that you should look for things that peek your interest.

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For a more specific list, many enjoy an Overhaul such as Oscuro's or Francescos. Once you get a bit more familiar with modding in general (that is, installing the files) you can move on to FCOM. I would NOT recommend FCOM until you know your way around Wyre Bash and OBMM since it's a very unique install process compared to all the other mods out there. If you install FCOM wrong you're game WILL crash on startup, called a CTD. That's why it's best to wait a while until you understand modding better.


Other than that, there are many cosmetic mods. I prefer Exnem EyeCandy myself, just because of the OOO, Stock, Fran and Mart's armor meshes for Exnem bodies. Natural Environments is another good mod along with Better Cities and Unique Landscapes.


Beyond that, do what Fonger said and check the top files all-time and file of the month. Many many great mods to be found there.

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What do you mean by shitty leveling? Are you talking about Leveled lists, where the world levels up with you? Then yes. If you're talking about the fact that you only gain in skills that you use and that's how you level... no. If you want a typical experience point system, Oblivion XP I believe it's called does that, but I don't know how compatible it is with mods such as OOO or FCOM as a whole.
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