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Mesh request: Tallish tree that I can build a shack on


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Crosspost from mod author forums:


I already have a "house tree" but it's INSIDE a huge tree (from a resource, thanks elinen/gkb) and it's too big inside, I want to build something more compact, and I want to build the house ON the tree, a bit like Tanner's Ridge, but not such a TARDIS.. Problem is I can build AWESOME things from existing assets.. I can't actually edit tri's myself, or create collisions.. Or make new meshes (except patchwork stuff in Nifskope)

The Gildergreen is a good start, but the tree I need would have to be taller and the branches more.. sideways you know, spread out.. not so many branches, but big ones reaching out, so I can build the shack on in the middle of them, and fit in a tiny balcony, and maybe a fake swing on a lower branch. Either a modified version of the Whiterun tree or a new model would suffice. I can use one of the texture resources if texturing is an issue (just need it to be UV mapped because that's not something I am able to create myself), the UV map needs to be detailed enough so that 2K textures don't stretch like hell and make the texture all distorted when the tree is made 10 times bigger than normal :smile:

Here's my epic sketch of the tree I need >_>

If you want to see what kind of magic you can expect me to do with your tree model, here's an overview of my stuff

No stress if you can't make a 50000000 polygon tree, and NO NEED FOR LEAVES, I just need the trunk and the branches. I simply need something that fits in the world of Skyrim and I can easily work with.
You will have my eternal gratitude.

Thanks in advance!

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