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Ideas for an unofficial DLC.


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The past of the Dovahkiin.

When he was still a child.

Try to imagine controlling the Dovahkiin, as a child, trying to survive in a difficult time of your life and full of conflicts with multiple wars going on? He sees his family being massacred by a supposed villain.

Dovahkiin witness his city being destroyed and your friends and relatives being killed. You can not do much for being a child, but the DLC will allow you to continue progressing to adulthood.

"When I grow up I'll be a big hero.

Shall all know me by name Dovahkiin.

I will go sailing over stormy seas.

I will go face the fury of the storm.

I will overcome the force of my enemies

I will tame the worst dragons.

I will save my people several times

I will honor my great country, Skyrim.

You will see."


Edited by FillipeMattos
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"When I grow up I'll be wearing skimpy armour.

Shall all know me by name Dovahkiin.

I will pay people to sail over stormy seas.

I will get killed by shock destruction spells

I will fus roh doh bandits down the cliffs

I will pull my hair out waiting for that dragon to land

I will pickpocket every person I met

I will kill the emperor of my great country, Skyrim.

You will see."



Edited by LOL50015
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The problem with a mod like this is.. It only works for a very particular character. None of my numerous personas have fit into that paradigm, and any attempt to create a childhood experience for the Dragonborn is going to shoe-horn a particular personality and backstory.


That's one of the best parts of TES, the ability to define your own story because it doesn't start off telling you exactly where you come from.

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Also, wouldn't it be a little implausible for child to fight bandits, draugr, falmer etc. The way I read your description, the game would be Skyrim as a child without the main quest. I won't argue that it might be an interesting experience for some people but it is very specific and it wouldn't allow for much else to do like joining the companions and such.

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That's right, you begin the game as a Nordic child. This DLC will include only Nordic Race. I thought of him being Nordic why Skyrim is his land, just to give a sense of patriotism. The DLC would show how Skyrim was in the past, everything different than it is today. The climate would be another. The Dragonborn live in a small village full of friends. Other children like him, who dream of becoming heroes. One day, a sudden war happens in Skyrim. The village of Dragonborn is destroyed. He is forced to flee. Alone and helpless, he will seek help. He meets an old man who will be his master. This man will teach the little dragonborn to be a warrior. After showing the Dragonborn as a 20 year old, then the real adventure begins. Dragonborn will attempt to avenge against the villain who destroyed his village, his family and friends. A long journey of revenge. It not be a very long DLC, only serves to show the past of Skyrim, as was the atmosphere at the time. It also serves to show the inexperience of the young warrior as Dragonborn until his maturity. Something inspired by the reboot of Tomb Raider, 2013.

Edited by FillipeMattos
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I have to agree with what has been said; that the idea of a child Dragonborn sort of forces itself against the nature of the TES series.

Most of what I'd like to see as far as 'DLC' goes exist as mods and I'd simply hope for a refined version of those were it possible. Becoming high king, Jaxonz Positioner, and a slew of other mods that already exist in some form or another or at least being worked on.

What I would like to see, personally, are the adventures of Hjalti Early-Beard or Reman III.

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