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[WIP] Ulfgard Chronicles


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I would love to try taking a part in the story and quests! The setting is very interesting and I would love to see a mod of this caliber get off the ground. Thank you for the chance to work on this.


Thedragonemperor, please make an application at our site, Ulfgrad Chronicles! Thank you for your interest... :smile:


I'd honestly help if I wasn't working on something else. I may contribute a few here and there later on.


You check out some of my landscape work here for future reference - -> Link


And AmpolX, if you join the team you do as much work as YOU want to. We're not forcing you to do anything. If you're still interested, go to Ulfgrad Chronicles and post an application on our forum.

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  • 1 month later...

Just wanted everyone to know that the project is still going!

Personally I've been busy with my own life recently, because of work and school(exams). I am still working on it though, so it's still progressing, and the other team members are also working on it. :)


Drengrey is coming along nicely, with dark forests, a mountain, farms - both burned and not, and more. :)

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I'd like to help... I've only been modding oblivion for a couple of months or so, only two of my mods for oblivion have actually been released. I havnt done any landscaping yet, but I've made a few houses and a couple of dungeons. I'm decent with photoshop too, so if you need any textures or a cartographer, the offers there. I cant do much right now, because I'm making another map for aa Skyrim mod, but it should be done in a day or two.

So what im basically saying is that I could do (very basic) exterior design, interior design, re-textures and a map if you needed one.


I'm going to post this on your site in a moment.

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Great! We always welcome more people to our team! :)

Not being great with modding is not a problem either, and I'm sure you are better than you say. :D


There will also not be much modding to do right now, as we have had some setbacks, and are still in an early stage. We are currently writing the stories behind the factions and provinces, and you are also welcome to give your thoughts and ideas on it. :)

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TehBuddha has joined the team as an Exterior/Interior Designer. :)


We have also done some work on lore/History/Historical Places and Characters (Something we should have done earlier on really), and this has really helped shape the mod more. We are continuing working on this, while focusing our modding on Ulreth.


We have also discussed another topic: Player Choices - We have decided that this mod will feature a lot of choices for the player to pick, which will have benefits and consequences, and will shape the world in which you play.


These choices will be mainly around the Main Quest, featuring the war between the King and the rebels of Ulreth - but there will also be choices to be made outside of this.


More information will be posted here, and on our our website. If you got any ideas, suggestions or questions, please post here or on our forum.

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