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exoduis unoffical offical sig requests [animated]


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Pretty simply huh?


Post here what kinda sig youd like me to do and ill do it..


NOTE: I make animated sigs.. so please tell me what movie/game trailer youd like in it...


Start postin and dont be shy!


Also say what main color should be the overall sig


++++ NOTE: My special point is inserting a movie.. i can animated images but not that good!

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Hey how are you at making comic animated sigs, you know every 20 secs it'll flip a page of a comic, your choice though, Thor related.


Thanks if you can :thumbsup:

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Nice of you to do this :thumbsup:


I have a request for my avatar and since you make animated stuff, even better.


I'd like to make my avatar, spin like a coin. The spin speed should be slow, like a spin every 2-3 seconds, then for the next 30 seconds make it stand still, than again spin and so on. I like the 30 seconds "break" becouse it does not make it boring like if it would spin all the time. Also, if posible make it look the same on the other side of the "coin. I'd like to use it on these forums so I hope you are familiar with the site rules regarding avatars and signature. :tongue:






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no idea where that is.. but ok.. thors first then push.. will work on it




Take your time, there's no need to hurry. I'll check this topic daily. Also, on a side note, edit your posts if you have something new to say, but no one has posted after your last post, as double posts are againsts the rules here, this is just a friendly advice, nothing else. :thumbsup:

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1mb, ? whats dial up???


Hope it turns out ok, i searched the net and couldn't find any real thor related comics, i know they exist, and there is sites that host them. I'll try harder, anyone know of any good comic sites :unsure: .


grammar check

Edited by Thor.
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