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Who Did You Kill To Get Into The Dark Brotherhood?


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I thought you had to complete the Origins of the Grey Prince quest before you could fight him. But you can simply accept it and then fight him?

No need to finish, or even start, the quest before challenging the big lug. You can refuse to help the Grey Prince when he asks you to do that little favor. In that event, he will actually fight you in the match when the time comes.


The only lasting consequence is that you'll never be able to get past that locked door in Crowhaven.


I don't know what will happen if you accept the quest, then refuse/fail to complete it before killing the Grey Prince in the Arena. Actually, since I have a hankering to loot Crowhaven while not using the Grey Prince as a blood-ticket to the Dark Brotherhood, my current incarnation of Cassie will attempt this very thing: get the key from Agronak, visit Crowhaven, but leave without picking up Lord Lodvidicus' journal (if you do pick up the book, you will automatically hand it over the next time you talk to Agronak, which will happen when you challenge him).

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If you accept the quest, then challenge him before completing it, he'll lament that you didn't complete his task before challenging him to a fight to the death.

As I recall, the quest does update when you arrive and enter Crowhaven. I guess the last mystery is finding out how the Championship match plays out while you have the Origin quest stuck at that particular stage.


... hardcore Dark Brotherhood. Sithis doesn't like beggars and barflies milling about in The Void, you know. ;)

It just goes to show that, in an organic role-playing experience, rules were made to be broken...


The aforementioned Shady Sam as Cassie's next blood-ticket didn't pan out. Casandra Serein of the Cheydinhal Guard did revoke Sam's vendor license— permanently. Funny thing is, though, it didn't do the call for Lachance's visit and didn't count as a murder tally on her stat sheet. She'd have to find someone else...


After a brief mountaineering expedition in Bruma County (Cassie wanted to nab that Grey Robe and Grey Hood at Gnoll Mountain), she took the Jerall trails back to Cheydinhal and found herself home again— but everything was not all right.


Casandra has a quirky psuedo-horror theme going at home, and on the wall of her front gate sits a skull and a pumpkin. Well, the skull was there, but her impromptu Jack-o-lantern went missing. Cassie had a good idea where it went: into the belly of some hungry beggar! A quick look in Bruccius the Orphan's food bag turned up an ear of corn, so it cleared him of suspicion. Luckless Lucina's food stash, however, was suspiciously empty. Did pangs of hunger make her commit the ultimate mistake? As night fell, Cassie snuck up to the sleeping beggar and picked through her inventory. Lo and behold, what did she have on her person? A pumpkin.


You've no doubt seen many a guard cut down a person for stealing a pear or a carrot. Chalk this up as one more, with a twist. Cassie has no one-handed sword in her arsenal: the attack would have to come at range. She stepped back, took aim at Lucina's back, and let loose the shot. <Insert Pun About Lucina's Luck Here>


With an Iron arrow planted in the beggar's back and her pet gourd back on the wall, Cassie retired for a brief nap in bed... I'm sure Lucien appreciated the fact that he didn't have to travel far from home in order to recruit the girl. That grey traveling cloak and hood she got at Gnoll Mountain are going to be put to immediate use after all. :ph34r:



No one touches the pumpkin! NO ONE! >:(

The pumpkin knows all. Sees all. If you take it away, she will find you. And only after your agony ceases to amuse her will she grant you the mercy of death!

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I was helping the guards re-take Kvatch and one of them stumbled in front of my blade as I was cutting down a clannfear. It got me a trip to jail when I returned to Chorrol, too.
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I honestly never figured out what it was the first time I did join. I think it was a bug. My tally of murders was still 0 in the inventory screen when Lucien came and woke me up.


The second time it was Agronak. My current character hasn't joined.

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anyone ever been to a town and found like a citizen and two or more guards dead? and not a single idea why... I guess the woman with the dogs (Can't remember her name) can not train dogs that well... That got me a visit from Lucien on my earlier character.


This latest character of mine has been recruited by killing Shady Sam outside the imperial city (never knew he was there, but he looked suss)

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i killed that random farmer who gives you the quest about the bears-i couldnt be bothered to do the quest, and i wanted to get into the DB so i fireballed him

cant remeber who my other character killed-as my mess around char its killed a lot of people

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I've got a new one.


Pete Burns (don't ask) the 'Breton with a Blade' has been rather bored of being insulted by the Orum Gang of Cheydenhall, so he pickpocketed a key from one of them, snuck into their house at night and stabbed each one with a different Ebony dagger (Poisened with my own special blend of painful and, most importantly, deadly poisons) and left next to their heads, on the pillow.


But in doing this on seperate nights ment that they could have appologised, but they didn't.

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A cheese maker in Skingard.


He's a small woodelf, stil babbling about his cheese when I unsheathed my sword. Poor guy, I stuck myself in the door so that he couldn't escape. You should hear his scream. I still feel sorry for him sometimes...Losing a chees maker means that fewer chees can be bought. But anyway, I slep in his bed after killing him, and was woke up by a guard. It was my first time murdering someone so I didn't know that sleeping THERE would be dangerous. But guess what? The guard gave me a "special" treat cause he loved me(disposition 100)! So yeah, I went back to sleep and then Lucien found me. :P

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I was walking around the water front. I walked onto the pirate ship to see what was up. 3 Pirates came out of no where and unsheathed their cutlasses. None of them had swung yet but I knew they would so I drew my bow and planted an arrow in one of their chests, with a satisfying thud he fell off the docks and into the water. The other 2 charged. Nailed one in the thigh then again in the mouth. The other swung i side stepped drew my dagger and stabbed him. Next thing I know I'm sleeping and I'm asked to join.
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