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Who Did You Kill To Get Into The Dark Brotherhood?


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Bah. You folks just don't get it.


This is The Dark Brotherhood we're talking about here— not some two-bit marauder band. We need elaboration. We need appreciation of the stalk, the passions of the motive, and the details of the kill.


"I just started killing everyone"— is by no means the proper qualifier to gain entry into a blood cult of assassins. Mindless thuggery instead it be.

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I killed the first person who turned to me and said, "They say that if you kill someone, the dark brotherhood comes to you in the night. that's how they recruit new members." Than, in my next charactor, I killed an important guy in a quest where you need to only kill him and specificly not this other guy, who I also killed, breaking the quest.
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The first time I ran through Oblivion, I got stopped by First Mate Malvulis whilst on the way to my brand new rickety shack- she informed me that if I ever set foot on her ship, she would kill me. Seeing as how I wasn't even thinking about going onto the ship at the time, I took that as a threat and cut her down the moment the conversation closed. It counted as a murder because she hadn't actually attacked me (I got off scott-free killing her shipmates when they attacked me after I ran her through). I chose to pay the fine and, since the fight caused me to level up, went back to the shack to sleep.


A certain Mr. Lachance barged in later that night... I did the quest because I believe in 100% completion the first time playing any new game, and it tickled me perfect when I found out that one of my assignments was to off the rest of the pirate crew. I killed just the Captain so I could get my bonus, but then I went back and systematically slaughtered every other person on the ship.


Every character since has been reloaded if I got an accidental murder, though- not necessarily because they aren't murderers (they aren't, but accidental killings still count as murder and accidents do happen), but because I don't like lugging around the Blade of Woe if I'm not going to do the DB quest anyway.

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For my Swordmage Kajhit, some beggar in the Imperial City streets in the Talos Plaza. It seemed I was out of the guard's sight on the west end while there was one about 30 feet walking along his patrol path and back turned.
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IDK if I posted this but I killed a Nord beggar with my Bosmer character....first sneak attack arrow did not kill him so he started running and calling for help but I made a second shot which got him down about 30 feet from my position.
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