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Who Did You Kill To Get Into The Dark Brotherhood?


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I'll probably kill Claudius Arcadia, and then take a nap in the cell across the way. It seems that Lucien considers the Imperial Prison secure enough for visits...


You can use a Touch-range spell, if you make sure to cast it through the small gap in the middle of the doors.

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For the first time, I used the beggar by the garden at the waterfront. This was back when I only had Morrowind for the XBox [not the GOTY version that comes with the expansions, just the original game] and had never heard of the DB before. My dad let me know about it. The second time, It was Simplicia the Slow. I just wanted into the DB and she was conveniently there. From then on, she was my Dark Brotherhood blood ticket. :P


edit: I just saw Rhydderch Hael's post about how you shouldn't get into the Dark Brotherhood by just going and killing everyone. I just wanted you all to know that that isn't what I did. If you haven't noticed, my forum image is The Big Boss, so stealth is my breakfast, lunch, and dinner. What I did the first time was killed the random beggar in his sleep. BUT, after doing the DB stuff, I really gained a love for silently killing the innocent for pure pleasure. So from then on out, I would stalk Simplicia the Slow [i don't like her. I don't know why, I just don't] all day, hiding in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment. That moment always seems to come when she goes to sleep in the alley on her pathetic little bedroll. The first time, I slowly creeped up to her, dagger in hand, and ended her misery. But now, I like to challenge myself with picking her off with my bow from as far away as I can. My best is about 45 ft. A shot right through the neck. Looked pretty painful.

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The first time I got approached by Lucien Lachance was when I accidentally killed an Imperial Legion Soldier during the Battle for Kvatch quest. A heated fight against several Daedra can get confusing, and I may have inadvertantly killed the poor sod.


The second time I murdered someone, I had intended to join the DB, and to do this, I killed that stupid paranoidical male without a father Glarthir >:( . You know, that Wood Elf who approaches you everytime you enter Skingrad, and asks you to spy on a few good citizens for him, and if you keep tellin' 'im they had nothing to do with anything, he'll try to kill you instead?


I only joined the DB a few times, though, since I'm a noble fighter and crusader at heart. I like ridding the world of all the bad guys more than I do murdering for the pleasure in commiting the act.

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...And not just 'anybody', either. Bandits and marauders don't count. Odd, though— my new character has already tagged 25 'assaults' on her stat screen, though she has not been tagged for any offenses. I assume that any attack she initiated without warning (sneak attack) gets counted, though it never generates a bounty.


I did a reboot of Cassie-the-assassin, and she has yet to make her entry into the Brotherhood. She's kind of like a kid in a candy store, shopping for the perfect chocolate bunny — and when she finds it, she's gonna cave its little skull in.


Beggars? Why bother? Armor-clad Maelona? Been there. Umbra? Done that. Cassie is looking for something— creative. She's kinky like that.

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Something I would like to try, if I ever start playing Oblivion again:


player.setav strength 5000
player setav marksman 5000
player.setav agility 5000
player.setav sneak 5000

Then do a run through the Market Sewers, and see if a sneak attack on a bandit counts.


My guess is that only NPCs with a certain responsibility level count.

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Something I would like to try, if I ever start playing Oblivion again:


player.setav strength 5000
player setav marksman 5000
player.setav agility 5000
player.setav sneak 5000

Then do a run through the Market Sewers, and see if a sneak attack on a bandit counts.


My guess is that only NPCs with a certain responsibility level count.

I think that it's the aggressiveness. If the npc would attack you on sight, attacking him before he sees you will not get you a bounty, but will add to the assaults. At least, that's my theory.

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My first character, a high elf, when the game was just out, I didn't know that there was a difficulty setting, low-leveled, and without a game guide, killed an Imperial Legion guy on horseback in the wilderness. The fight lasted about ten minutes, and I had no clue that I was on the path to darkness.


That's what I call fate...

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