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Who Did You Kill To Get Into The Dark Brotherhood?


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I've finally made an evil, eee-vil male without a father of a Khajiit and am looking to join the guild of murderers.


To all those who have already joined the DB, who did you kill to gain entry?


I killed the beggar by the waterfront.


He sleeps too much in my opinion.


He deserved to die...

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My first time through the game, I killed Alval Uvani (or whatever) to gain entry into the Dark Brotherhood. I chose him because he never had any conversation topics and he was a huge angel. Always insulting people.


Turns out that not only is he a target later in the DB quest series, but he was apparently a member of the Black Hand.



One hell of a resume, no?

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Lately, I've taken to killing off Eugal Belette in Chorrol for my DB entry. Others on my "list of killed for DB entry" are:


The Grey Prince

The Bruma spies

The Athrams

Keld of the Isles (Cheydinhal FG)

Else God-Hater

Several Hackdirt inhabitants.


I really don't know who Quick-Fist will kill yet, yet will use his bare fists to do so.

Probably a Hackdirt massacre.

I love killing off the people in that place :)


I killed the beggar by the waterfront.

He sleeps too much in my opinion.

He deserved to die...

I use him as food for my vampire characters, plus he's handy for the Thieves Guild test.

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I use him as food for my vampire characters, plus he's handy for the Thieves Guild test.


Bleyuch! :P


I don't know, I've always been wary of feeding off beggars. I guess I'm a snob, I break into rich folks houses and suck on them.

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I have a seriously problem with murdering someone just to get into the DB. I still do it, but it always feels like a break in character for me.


I'm a thief and an assassin, not a homicidal psycopath. I hate killing just to kill. I eliminate targets, not innocent bystanders.


However, it seems there are quests which lead to murder, so maybe I'll do that next time.

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If I recall, the last person I killed to get into the brotherhood was in the West Weald.


Remember Bear Season? Collecting bear fangs was hard because I slaughtered the bears previously, and didn't collect the fangs. Not to mention that I didn't read the quest text, and after a few bears, (Six) I didn't realize I was done. So I wandered around, slaying bears for two days.


When I finally go to check to see if I have enough fangs, the guy hands me a book. A BOOK. I slayed bears for a book? No! So I decided to be evil, murdered every one of his sheep, and when he came running at me, I beat him dead with a series of uppercuts. Then I looted his stuff and went on my merry way. A few hous later, Lucien provided me with my blade of woe.

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I killed the steward of castle Bravil...the khajiit with the funny name. It was night-time, I was level 1, and I wanted in to the DBH. Sooo....I went running along the roads, and that poor gal was the first person I happened to meet. I sneak-attacked her, then to my horror she actually attacked e, and bloody nearly killed me (tough npc...) a few arrows later, and she was running for her life. Thankfully, she ran into Vindasel, where the daedra hanging arounf fireballed her ass. On very low health, she rushed out, and I put an arrow between her eyes.

I was a bit shocked when I found the keys to castle bravil on her corpse...and even more suprised when i got a 1k bounty on my head.


(did you know you get a 1k bounty if you pickpocket martin? but he has a 1337 dagger.)

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I was wearing my Grey Cowl of Nocturnal in the woods and a Forester came to attack me. Unlucky, since I killed the female dog :P That counted as a murder...
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My Argonin was on the theivs guild quest to get that ring from the countess of Laiwin(sp), he had gone thourgh the countesses privet Argonin torcher chamber and sufice to say he was not happy. After stripping the room of well everything he looked at the coutess... then at the bow in his hand. 3 seconds later he was runing out of the room leving behind the inmortal countess unconts with a cuncution. That night Lucen pooped up and gave him a dagger and told him to kill Refo or what ever his name is. So my Argonin looked at the dagger then at Lucen.3 seconds later the blade of woe was fermly planted in his backside.
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