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Did you know why falanu hlaalu is so into necromancy?

Necrophilia. Necromancy concerns raising the dead, necrophilia concerns going down with them.

Given that this is the Elder Scrolls universe and she is a Dark Elf, necrophilia in this case may be the summoning of ghosts in the graveyard and allowing them to have a grope.

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Captain Burd is a Nord. Captain Leland is a Breton. Captain Verus is a woman.


Tack on the aforementioned Caelia Draconis, and the Captains of the Guard seem to be somewhat cosmopolitan.


Of course, Kvatch seems to have had the more diverse ranks. Numbering among the Kvatch City Watch are a High Elf and a Redguard.

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It looks like the Imperial Legion only wants Imperials, and others don't care. How about the blades? And will there ever be an argonian/khajiit guard? Or bosmer :P


If the imperials had more power in Morrowind, my dark elf would probably have lost his Knight of the Imperial Dragon position to an imperial. Oh well as long as I can keep the armor and blade...

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If there are other races in the Imperial Legion, it's most likely they're pulling duty in the outer provinces, using their cultural connections as a bridge between the Legion and the natives.


Also consider that such Legionaries would be valued for their tactical abilities and are posted where they're needed most to defend the Empire. It is mentioned in-game that pulling Legion duty in Cyrodiil is a light and dull affair, and the only troops who'd think patrolling the roads of the Imperial Province isn't a boring dead-end to their career would be Imperials themselves.

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