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Lots of stuff, first arrows. Yeah, they can come down and hit people, you just have to get the trajectories right and tweak the arrow life settings. It's easier if you aim it at a 80 degree angle (or abouts), just barely pull back the bow string, and stand about 5 feet from someone. If there are alot clumped together (like borderwatch prequest) you could probably try with more power and distance with some success.


Second, yeah, fighters guild seems to be a rather mismanaged organization. 80% of the active members only seem to stand around and hit targets every now and then. The other 20% only do something if you happen to have to talk to them, otherwise they just stand around like an idiot. Porters on the otherhand never sleep, or eat, yet have enough energy to run around after you in heavy armor. I would imagine that whole "master" title being because current masters only feel their own family is worthy of the title.


Third, mages guild members do frequently summon daedra, just not outside or typically when you're around. It's their "training" package.


This leads to another point. NPCs spend how many hours of how many days smacking targets or eachother around "training" but never improve their skills.


Or how NPCs don't seem to mind you running around naked, but if you have your weapon out, suddenly they're offended. (Not sure I said that right)


After you've sold umteen sets of fur armor to a vendor, does he just go right around and sell it back to the next nameless NPC to decide to be a bandit. Who then goes and camps out at the exact same spot where other bandits were killed only days before? It's no wonder the guards are so worthless, all the capable fighters in tamriel leave to become bandits and marauders.


Speaking of guards, they all seem to sound the same, are they all related? Do they formally change their name to "XXX Guard" upon joining up, or is that all too confidential?


And about the LARP... This is what happens when you use strips of foam (or is that cardboard) instead of metal for making your armor, you look stupid. Should use the real stuff, it enhances the reality of it all, helping you get more in touch with the character. Ok, maybe not, but atleast seeing a bunch of geeks trying to run around in 50 pounds of platemail would add some entertainment for anyone watching.

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Or how NPCs don't seem to mind you running around naked, but if you have your weapon out, suddenly they're offended. (Not sure I said that right)


This was my biggest disappointment about Oblivion. I remember cracking up in Morrowind when I found out by accident that NPCs take offense to nudity.

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Or how NPCs don't seem to mind you running around naked, but if you have your weapon out, suddenly they're offended. (Not sure I said that right)


This was my biggest disappointment about Oblivion. I remember cracking up in Morrowind when I found out by accident that NPCs take offense to nudity.


Especially when you had better bodies installed. :P "Put that back!"

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Or how NPCs don't seem to mind you running around naked, but if you have your weapon out, suddenly they're offended. (Not sure I said that right)


This was my biggest disappointment about Oblivion. I remember cracking up in Morrowind when I found out by accident that NPCs take offense to nudity.

That was very funny in Morrowind, indeed

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Or how NPCs don't seem to mind you running around naked, but if you have your weapon out, suddenly they're offended. (Not sure I said that right)


I assumed this was true in Oblivion too, and i'm suprised bethesda either overlooked it or purposefully left it out. Mabye somebody could make a mod to put it back in...


Speaking of guards, they all seem to sound the same, are they all related? Do they formally change their name to "XXX Guard" upon joining up, or is that all too confidential?


Reminds me of the nurses in the pokemon games...

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Or how NPCs don't seem to mind you running around naked, but if you have your weapon out, suddenly they're offended. (Not sure I said that right)


I assumed this was true in Oblivion too, and i'm suprised bethesda either overlooked it or purposefully left it out. Mabye somebody could make a mod to put it back in...

What would Ma'iq have to say on the subject?


"Ma'iq is happy as Khajiit. Being covered completely in fine fur means no tan lines to worry about. Ma'iq sees many humans who have no worry for tan lines, too."

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I keep hearing that my enemies have fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me.


Where can I find these level 42+ mudcrabs?

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Or how NPCs don't seem to mind you running around naked, but if you have your weapon out, suddenly they're offended. (Not sure I said that right)


I assumed this was true in Oblivion too, and i'm suprised bethesda either overlooked it or purposefully left it out. Mabye somebody could make a mod to put it back in...

What would Ma'iq have to say on the subject?


"Ma'iq is happy as Khajiit. Being covered completely in fine fur means no tan lines to worry about. Ma'iq sees many humans who have no worry for tan lines, too."


More on the subject, a mod which checks for value worn, and tied to some currently existing voice might work, but given the fact that clothing values tend to be really low, and wearing nothing but an expensive ring wouldn't garner any response, it wouldn't work too well. Then there's the task of trying to setup the greeting dialogs to work off the sounds... But given the dialog system, it is wholely possible without having to change each and every NPC. You would still however have people suddenly changing their voices on you every now and then. Just incase someone has a few hours to kill just on searching through voices that might work.


Anyway, what about those imperial hunders... Dunno how many times I've been running around torching deer, only to have one pop out of nowhere, steal my meat off the still smoldering corpse, then pretend like nothing happened. I tried taking it back, but then got arrested... Wasn't there something about corrupt guards?

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I keep hearing that my enemies have fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me.


Where can I find these level 42+ mudcrabs?

Traveling the Green Road to Leyawiin, I came across a Wood Elf Bandit Archer who was examining a Mud Crab she'd just shot in the middle of the road.


Guess what was the first thing she said as soon as she began fighting me?

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I want to know if bandits have a standard rulebook that outlines what they should wear and where they should stand when waiting for poor innocent victims.


Also, I want to know why Human skin is such a good alchemical ingredient, yet I can't seem to skin a human. :( It's like I'm all thumbs.


quite simple. they kill if you dont give them money. BUT there is a way to get out of this thats light on your coin purse and light on your health. Get clothing that is under a certain amount of value in gold for example the clothes you get for free when you visit the jail and say you dont have the money to pay, wearing the cheap clothing he will believe you and let you pass... what a sucker BEERS, MY TREAT AT THE TAVERN!

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