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Trouble w/ SexyCompanion II


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This Mod used to work very well. I have downloaded a few new mods since then. Now it acts like it is Censored. The companion works fine as long as everything is PG13. If sex is mentioned the game crashes. I've repeatedly tried the following, delete the mod, re-download, re-install, install it manually, use an OMOD, update OBMM, OBSE, etc. I tried removing all other mods, no luck.

Note: I have a similar problem with Romancing Eyja. She doesn't crash - she just won't complete the quest.

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I know you probably already have it, but do you have all the requirements for the mod? For Sexy Companion 2 you need the body replacers for both male and female. Make sure you are still running Oblivion with the OBSE instead of the Oblivion Launcher. If you already have these then try getting the Crash Prevention plug-in for OBSE. That's about all I can offer now.
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You've probably already done or know this, but make sure she is as far down on load order as possible. I know that even in the readme, it specifies she must be last. I don't have her last, but she's way down near there.


Good luck on getting her back in action, so to speak :smile:

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