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people die, particularly followers


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hi, i dont know if there is one yet, but im trying to find a mod where most NPCs will die, or at least followers, UFO worked fine, but due to a conflict with another mod i had to uninstall it, i tried another which was called followers die, but seemed they just stopped healing and recovering til they died.


ive looked around the nexus and cant find anything for certain, so any recommendations would be nice :)

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this may sound tedious, but you could manually change each NPC so they are not essential with the in-game console. (I understand if you say "screw that") also I think there might be a mod that fills the role you are asking for. I could be wrong though, I saw it in one of MMOxreviews videos.

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You are right that sounds pretty tedious lol. But nevertheless a good idea.

Yeah the mod I tried - followers die says it changes everyone's flags to make them non essential, but it seemed to make followers not recover health or heal, meaning after a few fights they are guaranteed to die

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