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Custom body for Khajiit-only


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NVM on this... I decided it'd be a lot simpler to just convert the skin over to UNP and much less of a headache to deal with. I had to do some texture editing on another skin for another mod I had installed anyway so i figured i'd take a crack at converting the CBBE khajiit skin i liked over to UNP while i was at it.

Edited by bundah
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I was going to suggest you try Unique Races. Despite it's name it does not affect the race records thus keeping it compatible with more mods than Unique Everything. The Khajiit and Argonian are not supported so, you can apply CBBE for them as default body install and use whatever UNP options you want from the mod or overwrite them as you see fit.


If it can be pulled off, changing the texture file would work too.

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