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Grass popping!


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I have this problem that grass just loves to pop, Nomatter what the view distance, nomatter what the ini settings grass pops. I have ugrids modded(after desperation) to 9 which helps with the actual landscape shape popping, but still the grass waits till I'm very near to load, and allova sudden a nice new grid of grass comes to existance with no fade in. Oblivion didnt used to do this, grass would almost always smoothly transition in, but now its just ridiculous, its like some of the grids forget to load grass until I'm almost standing on them while others load normally.



Any thoughts? Thanks in advance !

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There are many different slider bars for view distances, such as object, actor, and grass. You can adjust them in-game without touching your .ini file. make sure that you have your grass slider bar adjusted so the lever is far to the right. Hopefully your setting just got accidentally adjusted.
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