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Need help with a replacer mod.

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Hey there,

I'm in the process of transferring over the Remnants Power Armor sets from New Vegas as a replacer for the Enclave Power Armor and Tesla Armor (for personal use, of course) and I got so far as implementing them into the game when I noticed that I couldn't get the fan textures on the back of the armor to appear, neither can I get the blue parts of the Tesla Armor power cells or the electrical arcing effect to appear. I've been racking my brain as to what I might do to get these textures onto the model, but nothing seems to work.


A seperate issue to this is the fact that while using the Pipboy Readius mod, the Pipboy glove is still present on the character's hand while wearing the ported armor.


If you guys have done your own porting mod, I'd love to hear where I've gone wrong and get this sorted, thanks in advance!



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Hey there,

I'm in the process of transferring over the Remnants Power Armor sets from New Vegas as a replacer for the Enclave Power Armor and Tesla Armor (for personal use, of course) and I got so far as implementing them into the game when I noticed that I couldn't get the fan textures on the back of the armor to appear, neither can I get the blue parts of the Tesla Armor power cells or the electrical arcing effect to appear. I've been racking my brain as to what I might do to get these textures onto the model, but nothing seems to work.


A seperate issue to this is the fact that while using the Pipboy Readius mod, the Pipboy glove is still present on the character's hand while wearing the ported armor.


If you guys have done your own porting mod, I'd love to hear where I've gone wrong and get this sorted, thanks in advance!



If you are porting a mod, you can follow this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDMpXrNm71o.

Edited by M48A5
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I can't vouch for the longevity of the linked file, but this is essentially my problem, white parts of the armor where there should be a texture. I have the same problem on the non-tesla variant, where I have no idea how to implement the fan texture.


The tesla effect, however does work in-game, and I believe the Pip-Boy glove problem to be universal and not due to a problem in this mod.

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It appears that the mesh file that you have ported is using the texture file from Fallout3 and not the one from Fallout: New Vegas.


You will need to port over both the mesh and texture files. Once you have done this, you would have to open the mesh file in NifSkope and change to path to the textures so that the mesh file is looking for the textures in Fallout3 and not Fallout New Vegas.

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I have already applied the New Vegas texture to the model and everything with it is working fine except for the fan on the back and the blue parts of the cells on the Tesla armor. Following your advice, I'm not actually sure what I'd have to do in Nifskope, could you explain it further?

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