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The night angels trilogy mod request


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okay so i recently finished reading the night angel trilogy books and i know this has probly been suggested before but a mod of the books would be nice :thumbsup:

i heard somewhere one exists but i have searched and i cant find it so i assume it either doesent exist or it has been taken down.

if you havent read the books id reccomend them.

without giving it away i almost cried at the end :sad:

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I read the books, and I can honestly say they will remain my favorites for along time (or at least until the next dresden files book comes out), but you have to remember to actually request something. right now,this is just telling us to go out and read a good set of books. how about telling us what you want in the game?
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  • 3 months later...

I read the books, and I can honestly say they will remain my favorites for along time (or at least until the next dresden files book comes out), but you have to remember to actually request something. right now,this is just telling us to go out and read a good set of books. how about telling us what you want in the game?


That, my epic bookreading friend

is up to whoever starts the mod (:

maby a total conversion?




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Nice idea the weapons would be nice and maybe a couple spells to do with the "powers" (not the kakari i forgot what it's called) that they use i would do this myself but i'd need to learn the modding tools first if anyones willing and ready to do this then thanks in advance.
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