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Suggestion: Crucifixion


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Playing Oblivion on today of all days, and beginning to think historically...I started to wonder if having a crucifixion site near the IC wouldn't fit the themes while providing a strong aesthetic of realism.


Now before going any further, I'm not calling for a biblical reenactment or even the imagery surrounding the crucifixion. I actually thought a row of crosses similar to the Spartacus Stories might be more fitting.


I even had a suggestion for a location...along the shore road South of Weye but north of Fanacasecul...it would be visible from the road, and likely from the bridge as you exit the city.


As to the depth of detail...dead NPCs or even corpses could be used, and certainly not all crosses need to be occupied. If someone really got motivated, having those being executed changed or randomized with the cell refresh would be interesting.


Have a Legion Guard or 2 patrol the site...maybe some NPC onlookers.


Perhaps even a quest could be incorporated...stumble across a man about to be executed who begs you to seek reprieve for him...maybe work your way through the IC bureaucracy all the way to Ocato with evidence of innocence, or perhaps to simply beg clemency...or the reverse if you are an evil character.


Again, I'm not going for a religious angle with this.



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It was requested, once, but some people threw a hissy cow because they thought it impugned their religion.


Anyway, there are crucifixes (as in crucifying ones) in Gates to Aesgaard 2. You could always PM the priest and ask him for permission to use them.

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Use WAC. It adds gallows with hung corpses, hanging cages on the roadsides and outside of towns with corpses/skeletons inside them, and a couple other interesting display devices for dead criminals (even a couple gibbets I've seen around). Not to mention it is an amazing mod anyways.


EDIT: I was just exploring behind the Imperial City Prison and I found a half circle of crucified criminals on display. WAC definitely seems like what you're looking for.

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