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WIP Fatalis sword


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I mentioned this sword that I've been working on in another thread but now that I've gotten the kinks worked out and am getting closer to releasing it I thought I'd start a dedicated topic to announce Fatalis.


What is it?


It's a custom hand and a half sword that I made myself using Adonnays textures and scripting. I wanted a sword that could be used either one or two handed. I downloaded Sinbloods Soulshade sword to test out Adonnays script, but I didn't like how switching between the swords reset the health back to full every time. After much tinkering and testing this is what I ended up with. (For those of you who have never used it, upon picking the sword up you are given a lesser power that can be cast to switch between 2 versions of the same blade.)


-Swapping between sword versions now carries the current health rating with it. If the 1H Fatalis has 80 health and you switch, the 2H version will have 80 health also.


-The fatalis is a "vampire blade" of sorts. When first picked up it carries a useless enchant with 0 charge preventing direct enchanting via soulgem or sigil stone. However, I added a 3rd option to the script so that if you cast the sword swap spell while an enchanted weapon is equipped the health and enchantment of that weapon will be sucked dry and given to the Fatalis. For example, if you have Umbra active and it has a full charge of 2500, Fatalis will now carry that enchantment, along with a major health boost. If Umbra only has a charge of 1200/2500, so will Fatalis. Umbra will be left with a health and charge of 0 and 0, but you can still use repair hammers and soul gems to get it back into shape. Further use of the swap spell will simply change between the 2 versions of Fatalis as normal, carrying the health and enchantment ratings with it. The best part is that if you want it to carry a different enchantment, simply equip a new enchanted weapon and cast the spell again.


-If you try to swap with a weapon that's already been drained, the Fatalis will now carry the same drained charge and the previous charge will be lost. Don't get greedy!


So what I want to know is... what does everyone think? Any thoughts or suggestions? I'm still struggling with learning OBSE and scripting in general so i can't do anything too complex or crazy yet, I'm just looking for some feedback before the initial release.


And here's a screenshot for those who haven't seen it:





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I have so many mods/customizations running on top of one another I can't always remember where things come from. I managed to dig up the true source of the texture and it's actually from this mod by Nicoroshi. My appologies for the mixup. Proper credit has been given on the download page.



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