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What would you like to see in a big mod?


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I was simply wandering what people would like to see

in Oblivion if there was to be another big mod made.

The new lands would have to be part of Nirn or Tamriel.

Some suggestions are: High Rock, Akavir, Summerset Isles...


Simply post here telling me what oyu would like to see in a

big mod.



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Well, first and foremost I would like to see the whole planet of Nirn being rebuilt. Not only Tamriel, I'm talking about the whole planet including Akavir, Yokuda, Altmeris, Atmora and Pyandonea. Travel from continent to continent could be achieved through fast travel like in the most mods. The continents had to be filled with quests, citys/towns, dungeons and overall life. I assume, if people would joint efforts and not let themself get discouraged by foolish comments, this would take about 3-4 years.


As second I would like to see all lore races playable on this new build land, including Falmer, Tsaesci, Tang Mo and maybe descendens of the Ayleid. Also, there should be more diversion of races. Why have all Argonians the same skin colour? Why do Khajits all have the same mane?


More diversion in races appearance of course, like old people, children, acting with different animations, having different jobs, just being less generic. I actually would like to see any single NPC have a daily based expiry. I would like to see them wakig up in the morning, watch them as they go down to the water to wash themselfs, then maybe hunt a rabbit, go eat and then to their jobs. Wonder what Dremoras do if they don't spread fear and spoil... :biggrin:


Less generic dialogues and talks would also strongly enhance the experience. Phrases should be increased to a plenty of different variantions and could be based on the season change etc. Scripts could be included that let different things happen through the years and this changing the dialogues and phrases people talking about.


The necessarity to eat, drink and sleep...to cook and make foot, to keep yourself clean, to keep yourself entertaint, to participate on social life and not just slash monsters, people like that usually tend to be neurotic. NPC interaction should also be based on your appearance: If you dress yourself like a beggar, people will treat you like one.


A miriads of more factions please. There are thousands of possibilitys.


Yeah, I assume thats it, for the first...think I have more ideas, but I'll keep them for the next time... :teehee:

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Rifler is really really ambitious. I guess he is the first volunteer to join your modding team?


I would like to see more quests and more dungeons if another big mod was made. I don't even care how big it is. Even if you just made a mode with the eastern part of south-eastern High Rock, I think people would download it and enjoy it. I don't think people would refuse to download it because it didn't include all of High Rock.

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I'd like to see an expansion of the Shivering Isles. They are called "Isles" after all, why is it focused on one big island? I'm trying to do this myself, but More talented hands could do it better than I.
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honestly, i'd just like to see morroblivion finished. I probably wouldn't download another world mod simply because i haven't even finished exploring the vanilla world. also, a new world mod wouldn't have nearly enough quests, but morroblivion has about half the quests workable. i really recommend checking them out if you are serious about modding. it'll give you credo and experience with the construction set, not to mention the chance to play tes 3, which was one of the best games of its time
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Guest deleted829424
It would be amazing to have the entire world explorable. But Jesus, that would take a long time. I set my timescale to 1:1, so 1 minute real time is one minute Oblivion time, so it takes me like five minutes to run across Cyrodill. Sortakinda annoying. I would just like for the regions around it to be open for exploring.
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honestly, i'd just like to see morroblivion finished. I probably wouldn't download another world mod simply because i haven't even finished exploring the vanilla world. also, a new world mod wouldn't have nearly enough quests, but morroblivion has about half the quests workable. i really recommend checking them out if you are serious about modding. it'll give you credo and experience with the construction set, not to mention the chance to play tes 3, which was one of the best games of its time

Your just a morroblivion advertisement in the flesh aren't you? :rolleyes:


IMO, i'd never download morroblivion nor would I take the time to lend a helping hand. Something about using ripped content gets to me. Anyways, Onra at the offical BGS has a Tamriel Landscape Project where every province will be featured. Only a few base heightmaps and esps are released but anyone can add to them and be apart of the project. I'd seriously recommend checking it out on Nexus if you want more to the game. I started a morrowind mod but only got as far as the Bittercoast before I just lost interest. I may start back up on it if I decide to get back into releasing stuff again.


Other than that, I'd like to see a more Dynamic Weather System for each climate and region type. A dream of mine would be your standing atop of White Gold Tower on a beautiful sunny day and your starring into a approaching thunderstorm from Kvatch or you turn around and see snow clouds form above the Jeralls. Sadly the engine doesn't support that.

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IMO, i'd never download morroblivion nor would I take the time to lend a helping hand. Something about using ripped content gets to me. Anyways, Onra at the offical BGS has a Tamriel Landscape Project where every province will be featured. Only a few base heightmaps and esps are released but anyone can add to them and be apart of the project. I'd seriously recommend checking it out on Nexus if you want more to the game. I started a morrowind mod but only got as far as the Bittercoast before I just lost interest. I may start back up on it if I decide to get back into releasing stuff again.


Other than that, I'd like to see a more Dynamic Weather System for each climate and region type. A dream of mine would be your standing atop of White Gold Tower on a beautiful sunny day and your starring into a approaching thunderstorm from Kvatch or you turn around and see snow clouds form above the Jeralls. Sadly the engine doesn't support that.


Nah, I wouldn't necessarilly call it 'ripped content', since you take from one Bethesda game and port it to another. The reason for me not participating in Morrowblivion is it's miriads of bugs and the workarounds you have to find to make the whole thing working. I usually prefer CTD free games.


Besides, playing Morrowind has it's own flair, and with using the MGE project even a decent graphic. If Vardenfell is ever going to be rebuilt then it has to be based on completely new content/quests etc. and it needs a lot of people who actually know what they're doing. As I said, joint efforts under the premiss of Illiana and someone to regularly stroke her back, would bring us hopefully some acceptable results.


Illiana is the only one of the 'big land' rebuilters who did a good job and she has a passion for it, her mod expresses this. By the way, if Bethesda would have built all the land in the first place and then put a invisible wall around Cyrodill we wouldn't have to do it... :biggrin:


Rifler is really really ambitious. I guess he is the first volunteer to join your modding team?


What? I said I wanna see it, not that I wish to mod it. I have my own ideas and projects and keep them as small as possible...you know talking about megalomania and so...I'm just a single person and I'm old enough to know what I can and what I can't do... :biggrin:

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IMO, i'd never download morroblivion nor would I take the time to lend a helping hand. Something about using ripped content gets to me.





the usual arguements against "ripped content" include

1. loss of profit for the company

2. morality



1. Since using morroblivion requires you to actually own morrowind in the first place, this should actually increase sales for a game that would otherwise have none to speak of. morrowind was made nearly a decade ago and they probably aren't even printing new copies of the game for sale. so morroblivion would actually help increase profit for bethesda

2. when you use the word "ripped content," it indicates to me a vanity/reputation thing. but you miss the point of the morroblivion project. like all mods, it's not for rep or vanity, it's to allow others to enjoy our work. in this case, it is to allow more people to enjoy morrowind

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