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Starting a new game issue


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every time i start fallour 3 i get to the main menu and its working fine but when ever i try to start a new game it goes trough the loading part but it freezes right when ur supposed to hear that music that starts playing during the intro. i have no mods installed i have the DLC but i havenot installed it yet. also when ever i try to update to version 1.7 it starts the game and freezes it i know for sure that the update is not supposed to start the game unless that has been changed.
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sounds like . . .


1 - you have never played this game on this computer - so your hardware may not meet minimum requirements for this game


2 - some codec issue (audio/visual) blocking you --- reset your codecs (long lost link for this, so you gotta go searching)


3 - IIRC all the patches tried to start the game on my system and locked-up, but they worked fine after a re-boot.

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