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Mods that others have not thought up of.....


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"Write" or "Recite"?


I have been trying to get someone who is a good writer, since a mod like that requires a large deal of dialogue. Writing dialogue is not something I am good at as well as something that I don't have time to do myself, since I hardly have enough time to finish the other stuff I am doing for the mod. I am a game designer and 3D modeler, but not a writer by any means.


Between Quetzlsacatanango and me we have come up with a dynamic system to not only allow the character to get to know and move foward in a relationship with a NPC but to also allow different paths based on choices made during conversations. It lets the conversations link together in dynamic ways as opposed to just moving foward in a linear fashion.


The simple example would be this





The whole thing is, we needed someone to fill in the system with dialogue that was actually of high quality in order to make the mod seem good and not really cheesey and lame...


But right now this guy has offered to help




So hopefully that means we that this mod now has a shot at actually becoming reality.




But yes, this if FAR from an ordinary mod, as it is really more of an experement on how far I can push sandbox style gameplay. It is all part of the town mod I am working on.

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15. A family or marriage mod just for fun. That may or may not be 2 mods put together if you're talking about adding kids to the family.



I kinda like that one.


All you would have to do was make several NPCs. Several wife choices, 3-4 random male children, and 3-4 female children probably one of each race preferably. They would essentially work like a house theme but with some extra scripting to make it more complex. You buy, make, find a ring. Take the ring to the woman you want to marry. If you have the ring you get married if you want to and if you don't have it then she asked for a ring first. When you're married her location would be changed to the Megaton House/Tenpenny Suite or whatever place you want. Her old location would be disabled then in the house her model would be enable there. Give her a walking pattern with some random animations. She could have some options to ask how her day was and that you love her and all that. Another option would be to ask her if she wants to have a baby(really means that you want to or not :P) You would have to buy a crib first then after that she'll have one. The baby should live there for a few weeks or months game time for simplicity's sake. It would then turn into a random child that you created. You can can talk to the kids and stuff. I could see this being done pretty well.


You'd have to build some type of house expansion for the added family for the mod though. Something you'd have to get before the family would be available.

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15. A family or marriage mod just for fun. That may or may not be 2 mods put together if you're talking about adding kids to the family.



I kinda like that one.


All you would have to do was make several NPCs. Several wife choices, 3-4 random male children, and 3-4 female children probably one of each race preferably. They would essentially work like a house theme but with some extra scripting to make it more complex. You buy, make, find a ring. Take the ring to the woman you want to marry. If you have the ring you get married if you want to and if you don't have it then she asked for a ring first. When you're married her location would be changed to the Megaton House/Tenpenny Suite or whatever place you want. Her old location would be disabled then in the house her model would be enable there. Give her a walking pattern with some random animations. She could have some options to ask how her day was and that you love her and all that. Another option would be to ask her if she wants to have a baby(really means that you want to or not :P) You would have to buy a crib first then after that she'll have one. The baby should live there for a few weeks or months game time for simplicity's sake. It would then turn into a random child that you created. You can can talk to the kids and stuff. I could see this being done pretty well.


You'd have to build some type of house expansion for the added family for the mod though. Something you'd have to get before the family would be available.


Quetzlsacatanango already has all of that stuff figured out for my mod. The challenge is to take the marriage to a level above what you have on Fable 2 or whatever, and actually put some depth to the characters and make it expand as time goes on and add to the overall appeal of the open world sandbox aspect of the game.

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I would like to see a female version of the "seducing women". I don't think it's fair that only guys get to get it on so to speak and rake up xp and us females don't lol just a thought
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I seem to recall a WIP marriage mod, dunno where it is tho...

The mech stuff could probably be done. I'm actually working on something like that.

Same goes for the NPC randomization, though not exactly as you described.

And gang wars would probably be easy.



I've been trying to get a relationship mod made for some time now, but I have had a lot of bad luck finding people who can write dialogue.


I think the new guy who offered to help out is going to turn out good though

ya might find some writing help ideas fro mplaying falbe or fable 2 both games ya cna get married and havea family one even hasa mission where you have to go save your own child that ran away to ba an adventurer like there dad

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