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game won't run, new install, no mods?


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hey there,

I'm trying to play Fallout 3 goty which I very recently purchased from a steam sale. I have done nothing to it, haven't even installed mods (because FOMM requires a .ini file I guess? which you can't make until you play?)
I've got windows 8, I've gone through and tried various fixes, none of them have worked.


when I click play from the steam library, the launcher pops up. I click new game, it disappears and nothing else happens. it doesn't even try to run the game. there are no .ini files to be had. I'm sad and tired and I have to work tomorrow, so I'm hoping someone will be able to be my savior here.

the fixes I tried involved changing a lot of stuff but I'm going to uninstall and reinstall the game so those changes are going to be gone, consider it vanilla I guess

I know nothing about programming, but I can navigate files and follow instructions.

I'm going to bed right now, so I won't respond until later, probably like 20 hours from now. Please help me.

also I have to be able to use mods with whatever fix you give, thanks in advance.

If you need more info, just ask. I'm sure I forgot something important.

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On OS's from Vista onwards moddable games should not be installed to their default location of C:/Program Files because it interferes with Windows permissions and all kinds of 'weird' problems occur. If you installed Fo3 to it's default location (and/or steam itself) I would recommend just moving your entire steam folder to a different location of your choosing, these kinds of errors should then disappear.



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