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DSMODT: A Dark Souls Modding Tool


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So I've created a utility that allows you to view objects, characters, and maps, for Dark Souls. I see somebody else on these forums has done this as well, but I'd like to point out that he's not the same guy as me~ My project is significantly further along, providing full rendering of 3D mesh data, with 95% accuracy when compared to the original game, including vertex colors, diffuse/bump/bump detail/specular/light textures, havok animations, and map layouts with markers for monster spawn points, light sources, audio sources, particle systems, event triggers, and a variety of other things. It does all of this directly from your installed copy of the game, just like the game does it, and requires no prior extracting or anything on your part.


This tool is available here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/jp58qdwhycdg872/DSMODT%20v0.2c.zip


In my currently unreleased version of the tool, I've been adding support to actually MOD the game. It currently supports modding textures AND meshes (altho meshes are a little limited at the moment) in a very user-friendly way-- simply drag and drop your new files from windows explorer onto the currently rendering object you want to mod. I've posted a proof of concept video of this on youtube:


I know enough right now to allow me to add features to expand on mesh customization, replace _ANY_ file in the game (this can go into audio/music, data tables, AI, etc..), and allow customization of map layouts and monster/event/light/etc placement. I'm sure I'll learn more as I poke more into the file formats tho.

Edited by nyxojaele
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Hey man, great work! The GUI looks really great as well. How long did it take you to make this? And how did you make this - looks fantastic. I've just gotten into modding and wanted to find the name of the texture file that I want to override, it's the royal helm. Because going through the tex dump is a hassle and I don't exactly know what I'm looking for.


When do you think you'll be able to release this tool to the public? I'm sure it will get a lot more people to mod dark souls as it will be indefinitely easier. Also do you think you can tell me the name of the tga files for Royal Helm, so i can mod that it? Cheers.

Edited by qolossal
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  • 9 months later...

Just as an update on things, I just released the first version of my tool that supports editing -- it's currently limited to the meshes/textures of weapons only, as that was the simplest thing to work with, but now that I have that framework in place, it'll be easier to move forward with other things.


You can download it here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38150185/DSMODT/DSMODT_v0.4.zip

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