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Allright, first of I don't know the first thing about modding, I just have this idea in my head, and I want to know if anyone thinks this'll work.


Basicly, my idea is that (for example) when you go down stairs, right when you hit the first step on the mesh, a going down stairs animation starts.


Another example, and probably much easier, would be when you get to close to a wall, and say, you are running, you play the "throw hands so you don't hit the wall" animation.


Now I am just asking if this particular part/idea of the mod is possible, so be nice and say yes or no. Feel free to be technical, I'll have no idea what you're saying, but I'm sure someone will.

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Oblivion Re-animated is a massive animation overhaul project, try suggesting it there. If for any reason you don't want to, please describe the idea more precisely, as modders need a very clear picture.


Welcome :)


Also if you do try asking for help at Oblivion Re-Animated, I would suggest posting in their bethsoft topic, as it is far more active than the nexus counterpart.

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Truth be told, I've never heard of any Oblvion Re-animated. Maybe you are thinking of Fallout 3 Re-animated?



Basicly, my idea is that (for example) when you go down stairs, right when you hit the first step on the mesh, a going down stairs animation starts.

It's not possible........or at least.. not that easy, I been trying for months.

Another example, and probably much easier, would be when you get to close to a wall, and say, you are running, you play the "throw hands so you don't hit the wall" animation.

I'm thinking of doing something like that, as a feature for Oblivion Reanimated.

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Hmmm. UK47, that step animation, is there anyway to set an animation in movement due to an angle change(the stairs) Or a steady decline of height?

If you are referring to a script....I don't know, it would require several animation, and some scripts, but...... I don't think that would look good in game, the "easiest" way would be to add a "stuff" to the game skeleton............ or...... maybe .. it has something to do with the engine.... like in Falllout 3, anyway I don't even know how this stuff is called.......maybe it has something to do with IK bone ? I don't think so...........I don't know how this stuff is called, so I can't even ask for help at the Blender/GameEngine forum.

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Truth be told, I've never heard of any Oblvion Re-animated. Maybe you are thinking of Fallout 3 Re-animated?



Don't mean to be rude, but it's a bit much of you to correct Slawter like that. He's a big name on the Nexus, been here for ages. If he says something, assume he knows what he's talking about.

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Truth be told, I've never heard of any Oblvion Re-animated. Maybe you are thinking of Fallout 3 Re-animated?



Don't mean to be rude, but it's a bit much of you to correct Slawter like that. He's a big name on the Nexus, been here for ages. If he says something, assume he knows what he's talking about.


:P I could say a number of things, but I don't want to start an arguement, so Slawter I didn't mean to correct you, and I'm sorry if I upset you.

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