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Is it possible a Hollywood Movie for Skyrim?



46 members have voted

  1. 1. There should be a movie for Dragonborn?

    • Yes, there should be.
    • Yes, there should be, but not just for Dovahkiin, for whole Elder Scrolls Universe.
    • No, there shouldn't be.
  2. 2. If there was a Dragonborn movie, what would its name be for your opinion?

    • Dovahkiin: The Dragonborn
    • Dovahkiin: The Last Dragonborn
    • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
    • Skyrim
    • None of them. (Please tell your suggestion about movie title.)
  3. 3. Will you send e-mails to Bethesda and a Film Producer to the Film be made?

    • Yes, I will.
    • Will I? I am not sure about this.
    • I want the movie but; I don't think so.
    • I don't want the movie; so my answer is negative naturally.

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A "Skyrim" movie? I think attempting to limit the plot to TES 5 would be silly, beyond the fact that it would be boring to watch a fragment of a plot we've already experienced, the freedom and variation pivotal to the TES experience doesn't translate well to other mediums.


I don't think there is a single thing TES could do better than Game of Thrones. Given that the GoT story is written better for film than the actual experience in TES. There's just too many separate stories, all of which revolve around grandizing the blank protagonist, which is designed around adventure rather than a linear plot.


A much better fantasy world could be generated originally rather than attempting to pimp another popular IP, only to get easy attention and fail to make an impact.


WoW has been popular for ages and is just now getting a movie that might succeed. And still has a more coherent story to tell. Final Fantasy is based on story, and Advent Children was an undigestable fan pic.


There have been successful and enjoyable game movies, Resident Evil started out good, but what you'll likely get with TES is another Dungeons and Dragons movie, TES has all the same qualities, and likely similar results.


I hope they make a great TES 6, a movie would be a mistake. And in case you don't know what's at stake, Spirits Within almost bankrupt SquareSoft, leading to mergers and changes in production which led to the products we suffered for years afterward. When you fantasize about a game company sinking a fortune into making an auxiliary product, your asking them to jeopardize their entire company to work on something that could very easily fail, or sell off the rights to some company that might s#*! out a film like BloodRayne just because they can abuse a popular title. Very dangerous territory.

Edited by BahamutKaiser
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Holy Thread Necro Batman!!!


But seeing as hoiw a WoW movie is coming out very soon, we should wait and see how that does. If they don't "f" it up, then we could see a few more "game" movies. I think a TES movie could work, but I'd say they'd at least have to go back to TES:IV, otherwise, nobody will know what's going on. They could do a trilogy I suppose, (ala LotR) ... Start with Oblivion -> Skyrim Civil War = Ulfric/Forsworn/Markath arc -> Dragonborn. I know the Civil War and the Dragonborn arc's kind of happen concurrently in Skyrim, but they can easily be separated into separate stories.

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A "Skyrim" movie? I think attempting to limit the plot to TES 5 would be silly, beyond the fact that it would be boring to watch a fragment of a plot we've already experienced, the freedom and variation pivotal to the TES experience doesn't translate well to other mediums.


I don't think there is a single thing TES could do better than Game of Thrones. Given that the GoT story is written better for film than the actual experience in TES. There's just too many separate stories, all of which revolve around grandizing the blank protagonist, which is designed around adventure rather than a linear plot.


A much better fantasy world could be generated originally rather than attempting to pimp another popular IP, only to get easy attention and fail to make an impact.


WoW has been popular for ages and is just now getting a movie that might succeed. And still has a more coherent story to tell. Final Fantasy is based on story, and Advent Children was an undigestable fan pic.


There have been successful and enjoyable game movies, Resident Evil started out good, but what you'll likely get with TES is another Dungeons and Dragons movie, TES has all the same qualities, and likely similar results.


I hope they make a great TES 6, a movie would be a mistake. And in case you don't know what's at stake, Spirits Within almost bankrupt SquareSoft, leading to mergers and changes in production which led to the products we suffered for years afterward. When you fantasize about a game company sinking a fortune into making an auxiliary product, your asking them to jeopardize their entire company to work on something that could very easily fail, or sell off the rights to some company that might s*** out a film like BloodRayne just because they can abuse a popular title. Very dangerous territory.


Hmm..I need to clarify, Squaresoft lost a lot of money on it, and one of it's branches had to close down because of it(the one that made the movie). The merger with Enix...that was another story, not totally unrelated but not really directly so, but the merger was going to happen regardless, Enix just got really tentative after the loss (and other things too). Also, it had nothing to do with further games being terrible or not.


Anyways, I think a movie would be terrible, lol. So far every game-movie I've seen was...ehhh. So, I'm not really defending that notion.

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Just go and watch "The 13th Warrior". I still say the guys at Bugthesda wre heavily influenced by that movie when they were making Skyrim. Heck they even got the guy who plays "Buliwyf" (Beowolf) in the movie to do the voice of Ulfric.


It's got Fire Wyrms (dragons) Viking longhouses, Yarls and princes, Forsworn, Pagan Gods, Mead, A Redguard, Underground caves as the home of the enemy, with a secret, hidden exit. One look at the costumes, the scenery, the whole story line, and you'd swear you were playing Skyrim! (okay a very heavily modified Skyrim to look 'cinematic' but still) ... Actually, now that I think on it, that might be a great idea for a quest mod :D

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As a fantasy movie, Skyrim has better plots than most of the other fantasy movies. The trouble would be in narrowing things down to fit within a 2-hour time frame. No becoming Thanes. No Civil War. Of course, if the characters Inigo, Vilja, Sofia and Zora Fair-Child were added, it would greatly increase box office draw. An ensemble of quest seekers makes for interesting and fuller stories. Just make sure the women were dressed in Killer Keos type armor!


If this were put into a Game of Thrones type series, more could be added. https://vimeo.com/90589442 Dialogue would need to be altered to fit normal speech rather than clipped short exchanges limited by the game engine.


If in a series format, there is enough mod content to enable it to run for many seasons. Falskaar and The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal would be prime candidates.


No need to worry about movie crashes or creating state of the art visuals. The studios will handle that. A prime question would be whether the suits at Bethesda could work with the suits of the movie industry. Do you think Canada could provide the majority of scene settings?

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