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Everything posted by Rethrain

  1. I use oldrim, so far I haven't had a good reason to switch to SE besides the more stable 64bit. So I tough it out, I simply spent too much time and effort on the old one modding it hours on end and don't feel like doing it all again for a version that doesn't have all the mods I deem crucial for my playthroughs. Though I suppose if I dig hard enough, I could get a close enough version of it going on Newrim (maybe). But as it stands now, I'm just waiting for the next TES, so basically a decade from now when they release and we are all playing TES 6: Holiday Road.
  2. Yes, I do think they are natural methane fart clouds rather than purposefully placed traps that you can take advantage of to kill stuff in dungeons. I..learned about them really fast. Being a vampire battlemage with sword and spell...well, I used those things to both cook myself and my enemies, whenever I'm not paying attention.
  3. Hmm...didn't the legendary edition of oldrim had all dlc? Anyways, I'll suggest SE, since it's more stable. Frankly, I don't play SE, since a few of the mods (race/compatibility, etc, etc) that are completely indispensable for my playthroughs aren't converted yet to the new one, not sure if they ever will. I do suggest SE since the instability/maintanence of oldrim can get grating. However, If you don't mind that and want a bigger library of mods, then try the old one.
  4. All of this is true, and I agree. Nords are still quite racist with the best of them, though. Their predilection and history of killing elves - in particular Snow Elves - was pretty bad, whether justified or not. In the end...you'll find racists all over Tamriel. No, it doesn't make it better, but it's common.
  5. Hmm...it was mostly trolling what I saw in your link. A little funny too. Others were just voicing their theories on TES lore. I don't really see any of it as representative of...anything...
  6. Well...necroing. But I'll answer anyways. That character in the pic reminds me a lot of an old companion someone uploaded on the nexus but after a short while remove cause she looked underaged. A vampire, blonde short hair like her. It probably was her. As for the pinching, that was probably just posed.
  7. Yes, that is why they do that. When you attack that patrol. I think the evidence is in one of the bodies of the thalmor when they start to actively hunt you.
  8. Yup, agree completely. Though getting rid of the 3rd person view would probably cut at least half of the mods out there...I mean...there a lot of armor mods. Main point is, I've no idea why they didn't make a mod to see your body. Maybe Skyrim gets a little more attention from modders than F4.
  9. Hmm...personally I don't think they are going to remove modding. They would if there was no money in it, but there is. People keep playing F4 and Beth games because of the mods, not the base game. If the base game, then once that runs out, they'll still use mods. Other people buy those games precisely because of the modding tools. As long as it makes them money, they'll drool. It should go without saying that ever since Morrowind, to me, mods have always been mandatory in my playthroughs. Especially after Morrowind. Sooo....I wouldn't worry about it, Boyflea. :P
  10. I was under the impression that it was finally successful. As in, it is keeping itself more than afloat. There are plenty of things that people can complain about that game along with basically other mmos -- or all mmos under the sun, more like. Personally I don't really care about either game.
  11. Heh, I wonder if they will turn things around for Fallout 76, like they did with TESO.
  12. After reading up on the theories of it a while back...I came to my own - and completely certain - conclusion...that it is the Macguffin of Magnus. An artifact of incredible power.
  13. I used morrowloot once. If I remember correctly, it bars you from crafting Daedric anything. You could reverse this with TESedit (been years since I did this and even used this mod). So I think that is your problem with the Daedric stuff.
  14. Okay, I was going to say this a few posts ago, but could we stop getting stuck on the symbolism of the stars and constellations? I said that ^ particular part half-joking. I mean, really now. I don't mean to be curt, I just though it needed to be addressed, if you were saying this for the sake of the argument, then that's fine.
  15. So is realism. Different ways/methods (often opposed, to be honest) to achieve the same thing.
  16. Absolutely.. It's just a trope i hate. Whoever came up with the Master on the Mountaintop notion clearly never taught, or at least was a terrible teacher. Other tropes i hate are the 'Average Joe rising to the challenge' and 'Sewers'. Well, all this stems from the fact that you hate classes, while I like them. You like function, I like realism, even if it constricts, or rather precisely because of that. Your point of finding different ways to skin a cat, as it were, instead of learning them from Guru/Hermit on the mountaintop is well taken, and I agree. However, I like games that have high replayability, as a personal preference. For example, as Dragonborn I can do everything and be everyone, unless I stop myself and set my own limits, which I do actually, by myself and/or with mods helping. If I don't, I tend to find myself not replaying since I already beat it, though I suppose I might depending on the story...probably won't though. (I replay skyrim because of mods alone, and only mods). If there are some restrictions, I can create other characters that can do...whatever another one can't or make different decisions, or to be more specific, I can make a character that is more adept at doing that one thing the other one sucks at terribly, while keeping both in mind to play. This would make me go back to the game. It will be a slightly different experience without me having to cook up a story by myself -- which I can -- I just can't find validity for it in the game, feels like I'm making up something that doesn't belong, though I suppose it's irrelevant, it's my game after all. I do understand the underlying philosophy of Skyrim, as in: "It only matters what you can do" and not just stats. It's still a good idea.
  17. I just don't find the perk system very involving. To me it's just ticking a checkbox. As far as tropes goes... heh. This is an rpg, they reek of tropes (Including Skyrim of course). The best one could find is a tropey rpg with really good story and dialog that is not carried by said tropes and stands on it's own. Sure, I don't mind something utterly original and immersive, in fact, I'm all for it, I want it. I'm just being realistic.
  18. Oh, I'm not under any illusions that they will reverse their trends. Having said that...it is not wrong to change things up from installment to installment, to keep the game fresh. Though, I think TES is not really the kind of series to do so. I think JPRPGs tend do that.
  19. I could say more, but I'll keep a lid on it. One thing I can do without...more than anything really is the perk system. I don't like it. Makes no sense to me. Learning things from...what? A star? A constellation? That's stretching it (Sure there are dragons in the game, but there is always some logic to things). If you want to learn something, you go to a master. Want to forge Daedric Hammer of Quintessential Resentment? Find some way to do it from followers of some Daedra, but not because of some "perk". Perks are supposed to be special things, advantages and traits.
  20. Because it was written into the plot created by the Bethesda Games development team and Helgen was close to Whiterun. Shhh! You are supposed to roleplay the answer!
  21. The way I see it, they give nods towards Kirkbride when they want, while not explicitly telling us what's what and being vague, I don't believe Beth will ever get a definitive answer for us on these accounts. If I were them I'd keep people guessing, makes for a better debate, and attracts more attention and wonder.
  22. Hmm...I'm assuming you paid your bounties? Guards can get that way if you have an outstanding bounty in the Hold. I'm not sure about the bug, though, noone ever worried about me killing bandits and the like.
  23. I kill him always, not for any reason other than it was my right of conquest. I did the heavy lifting, last thing I want is him weaseling out, prove to Dagon you are worthy. Otherwise, he has no business dealing with daedra. :tongue:
  24. Except that they aren't ... and I debunked that notion eleven ways to Sunday. If, when confronted with those arguments, you're just going to stick your fingers in your ears and say "La la la la ... They're racist! They're racist! La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la" ... then I can do nothing for you. He disagreed with you, doesn't make him any more stubborn than you, for a simple difference of opinion.
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