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I wont be able to download FOOK, sorry.


But, I thought of something you could do: Rather then add loads of new armors(a few would be nice), why don't you do this

Helmet-Should come with Head Lamp, Night Vision, mine detection and increase perception, a few others I cant remember right now. I mean, there's loads of things hanging off the sides of it, give them a use.

Suit-Provides power for above perks.

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Good to hear about the power armor. I though I was onto a unique idea, appears not, so long as it gets done.

I can still design seperate esp's with customised default weapons. I have a few good ideas. I just cant do meshes and textures. So, if you need a few original guns, ask away.

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Just want to throw this out here. Whose definition of realistic are you using? Ponder, a moment, if you would.


Before the bombs dropped, the world was in a state of what we would call Alternate Reality. That is, it was identical to our world in the far past... except that the 1950's view of technology is the one that was used, rather than OUR version of technology. This is why we have robots that look like they're from a 50's movie, why we have laser weapons that hardly look like weapons at all... and why, after so many nukes were dropped, we still have standing buildings instead of a completely flat, ice-aged landscape. Why? Because they thought back then a nuke was going to be a really big bomb with some radiation attached to it, and that radiation would cause mutations. Reality? A nuke will flatten everything within in "immediate" vicinity... hundreds of nukes would literally destroy the world. And despite popular beliefs, we don't have radiation that causes ghouls. A few mutations, but no ghouls, sadly.


Fallout timeline splits off from our own at about World War II (beginning or end, I forget which it is, exactly). That is why even after 200 years there's hardly any "real fallout" by our standards. I highly, HIGHLY recommend reading this links in their entirety if you wish to create a "real" fallout experience, because it sounds to me what you consider real and more true to the world of Fallout is farther from the truth than vanilla Fallout 3 is. Continue on the path you've chosen if you want, but you cannot say that it makes the world more realistic when in fact you forget that realistic for the Real World and realistic for the Fallout World are completely different.









furthermore, this explains why we can have such a wonderfully Sunny DC only 200 years after the fact the world was blown to all hell and beyond. Not because Bethesda was lazy, or that it breaks immersion, or is not true to the Fallout World.. but because they (that is, people in the 1950's) did not KNOW of such a thing as nukes causing nuclear winter.


Again, we cannot forget... the Fallout world is different from ours in many ways, but there are some similarities, yes. That's always why cars blow up in little mushroom clouds... because they're fission (or is it fusion? I forget) powered... meaning they have teeny tiny miniature nuclear reactors in their engines. Boom. Although, I'll admit, the fact that they only had four or five different models throughout the entire world IS a bit... lame.


For the modelers that wish to help you, have them look deeper into the science fiction from the 1950's. Remember, THAT'S what you want to recreate. Science fiction or technology today mean nothing in Fallout. But if we're talking 1950's science fiction? Definitely. It definitely belongs.


Enough rambling for now, I suppose. The more I say the more chance someone else has to come along and rip apart a few minor flaws here and there of what I've said. I can't say I'm a fallout "scholar" or anything of the sorts so I'm probably a bit off on a few things... but just remember, Fallout 3 is based off of the 1950's view of technology... not ours.




Of course, none of this explains why, after 200 years, I can still find an ungodly plethora food, cigarettes, drink, medical supplies and ammo every four feet.

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I have to say, I agree with you. If I were to make fallout at all realistic, you would probably play as a microbe swimming in a pool of lethally radioactive water on an earth that has been reduced to little more than a charred rock.

As stated, this mod is realistic and logical when it's fun and convenient. Which means that we ignore the realistic stuff like DC being entirely leveled and people always dying from radiation rather than turning into ghouls, but we WILL try to fix the unrealistic stuff like the cars and all that.


So, in short, we're going with the idyllic 50's sci-fi view of the apocalypse, because it's awesome. It won't be EXACTLY the same, but close.


@MadMattDog, Please, make the custom weapons. Don't over-power them too much, but I could surely use them.


@TehBuddha, does that mean you're good at building interiors?

Because that would help. A lot.


Also, to anyone who reads this, is there some way to randomize decals on certain enemies like they do here:


I realized that all the powered armored soldiers are for to impersonal. For the post apocalyptic remnants of the military, they seems less like people and more like machines. I also noticed that MMM featured creature randomization, so it would be neat if, randomly, the soldiers would have one or more of the following:


Scarves/gas masks/gloves/

Possible locations where the armors been damaged, such as duct tape on this should or gears sticking out here or a panel missing there

Geiger-counters, PDA's, maybe even pip-boys

50's pin-ups-- say a small bomb Betty on the shoulder-plate or something like that

Holsters, ammunition cases, first aid kits, oxygen tanks, and other practical items

Kill counts


And you get the picture. If that could be implemented it would give them a lot more character and realism without having to create a hundred different textures. And, of course, it could applied to other things too.


Glad to see this is finally getting noticed!

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Again, I raise the question of whose realistic are you using? Remember, our realism and Fallout realism are different when it comes to the bombs. Maybe I'm just nitpicking, who knows.



As for your random decals... yes and no. You would have to creative items with each of the differences you want. Say we take the typical T-45 (I believe it is?) power armor that the Brotherhood uses. Now we want to add a couple of dents, maybe rip a shoulder piece apart. That would have to be a separate model and item in the game added to the list that the Brotherhood NPCs spawn with. Since NPCs use lists you have a list for armor, for weapons, for items, for helmets, etc. Then when the character is spawned, each list is processed and they get one (or no) item from each list, and then it's equipped. This is how you get the semblance of "randomness" in the spawns. So yes, it's possible to do what you've asked, but every single difference in detail would have to be a completely separate item in the game, which is why you don't see many mods that add a "full" version of power armor, and also a "damage" version of power armor. Hope that makes sense?


So, like you said... you'd have to create a hundred different textures.

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