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Request: Children


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but seriously I have to wonder, why do you want children ingame so bad?


Probably precisely for that reason *points to pedobear*


Children ftw. My main character is a 6 year old Dunmer!




I also like to create families, and add children to existing NPCs. The Odiil boys are my own modified children races, and so is Dar-Ma. I tried pitch-shifting their voices, and they sounded great, but were silent in game because I didn't make a new .lip file for them, and Icouldn't figure out how, so I abondoned that idea.

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  • 4 months later...
id like to see children in game for a more lively game seeing the blacksmith teaching son his craft or the horse sellers teaching a stable boy or even a kid washing dishes in the inn's for her parents etc just makes the world more real and not everyone was born as full grown adults at the same time heck could even make a few save my child quests for some lord his or her kid was kidnapped and ya have to save em im and for ideas take the kids from fallout 3 and use there body 's to make the kids for oblivion its same engine after all can even use some of there dialog for voice make them unkillable so no looting them and no pedo bs they just wander around like the rest of the filler npc's in the different cities and to keep it simple just add em to the major cities like imperial anvil skingrad leyawinn bruma etc
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I dont know, ide be interested to come across a younger kid, a prodigy in the art of magic whom whops yo ass and the such. Because i know that when i was growing up i would have loved to have been a genius with a sword or hurl fireballs, so in a world where that is possible, why not?
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Bethesda avoided including children mainly to keep out the outrage some people would have expressed if they are allowed to be killed - as well as the problem of body mesh. They solved this in FO3 by making them unkillable.


Our problem is the possibility of pedophiles infiltrating our mods and using them for their own purposes - whatever they are. Note that the rules on pedophilia are totally different in Japan, so be careful what you get from Japanese mod sites. Some mods may be illegal in other places. Illegal as in the cops come to knock down your door and take your computer for evidence while you languish in jail and your neighbors are demanding you be lynched.

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it wouldnt be an illegal port. im saying ya cant just use the same kids exactly. im saying use there bones structure to create your own kids bodys. because game uses same engine it shouldnt be a big issue to add it to the game to design kids. ya have to change there clothing dialog still. but seems alot of the prob people are having is instead of making kids there just deaging/shrinking the standard npc's in the current game. and making midgets instead
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For his own game yes, uploading it here would result in an instaban.


Porting any asset from one game to another is not allowed to be uploaded here.


That being clearly stated, this topic is now superfluous and unneeded. >LOCKED<

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