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Communism v. Socialism v. Capitalism v. Feudalism

Maxwell the Fool

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Im for sphagetthi. Sphagethi is valid in every and all cases. Add to it some tomato sauce. Mmm.

/thread win


Simply gotta respect your next man and be able to forgive. This

,besides trust, are integral values and without them your system will fail,

since it simply wont be real in any human terms. :)


Summed up the most human/real system wins.

Edited by Nadimos
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You really had to of done some digging to bring this topic back...



Communism has existed before, but it has been warped in meaning over time.


Communism in its simplest form is just a classless society. This does not necessarily mean a all powerful leader, and it doesn't mean you have to have your rights and freedom taken away.


Of course what most people now days think is that communism is a evil oppressive anti freedom all powerful ruler system. Communism at its simplest form has nothing to do with being anti freedom or even providing things to the state. It doesn't have anything to do with having a single ruler.


Communism is not what people think. Getting to a truly classes society will never be done with the way human nature currently is.


Capitalism will probably fail the way Karl Marx predicted it to fail. The system will gradually make a separation between the upper and lower classes, until the only things left are a large lower class and a small upper class. Karl Marx's answer to this is not the correct answer though.

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You really had to of done some digging to bring this topic back...




I think they were tired of seeing my posts. To be honest, I was about to stop posting new threads, for just that reason. I have all these ideas and more are working themselves out when I read other peoples replies



I was debating this in another forum and to make communism workable there has to be enough selfless people to give up what they have, Try to find 15 people to give up things so that 5 people can have the same standards without working any more than they have. That has never worked . Also try to find the leadership that will be able to make communism work, without resorting to what The Soviet Union did. Remember the purges. The Gulogs. Not exactly the utopia that Karl was expecting.

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There can be no happiness, if the other man is not happy. it is all interwoven, wether we like it or not.

It is the believe of some that they can somehow escape by getting a temporarily quickfix

and in that they mix it all up for themselfs. The reasons for it mostly superficial.

Great thing is we got internets now, so maybe it will wear of abit.

Im confident in the ability of humans to learn and make a better life for themselfs.

Edited by Nadimos
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Marx said that because Capitalists value the non-infinite oil, they will destroy themselves and possibly the world. Simply because they are so greedy they'd invade countries for a gallon of oil.


Even though the USA is the biggest user of Oil in the world.

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Marx said that because Capitalists value the non-infinite oil, they will destroy themselves and possibly the world. Simply because they are so greedy they'd invade countries for a gallon of oil.


Even though the USA is the biggest user of Oil in the world.

Marx died in 1883, I don't think his ideas had anything to do with oil.

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