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Fallout 3 Crashing When Saving. Tried Everything!

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So after hours of scouring the wisdom of the internet, I have finally caved and decided to try my own cry for help. Up until recently, I have always played Fallout 3 on my PS3/Xbox, but I have decided to try it out on my PC. After all, I loved playing Oblivion with mods, so surely I'll enjoy Fallout with them just as much. So I start the game, and the first 2-3 hours go as smoothly as can be expected from my rig. It's not designed, really, to run games, but it can run Fallout at medium to high quality just fine with minimum stutter. So I get out of the Vault 101, head to Megaton and mess around that area for a while, and then try to save my game. I get a crash. I thought "Hmmm...Weird" but just kinda glanced over it and booted the game back up. Same thing happened after attempting to exit the area I was in. Eventually, I had established that my game only crashes when it tries to perform a save of any kind - be it autosave or regular save. I know this because I disabled autosave and played the game for a good hour or so and did not have a single problem. But, of course, once I tried to save a gain, it crashed. So I ran off to the internet and started digging for clues to my problem. Unfortunately, I've never managed to find a permanent solution. There were times when it seemed like the game fixed itself for no reason, but then would start crashing again a few hours later. I really want to play this game on PC, but this problem is really killing it for me.


Here's a list of everything I've already done, just so we aren't wasting any time here:

Uninstalled/re-installed Fallout 3 - several times.

Installed Fallout 3 in C:/Games folder instead of Programs x 86.

Uninstalled and re-installed all my mods.

Running Fallout 3 in Windows XP Service Pack 2 compatibility mode.

Edited my INI file, both in My Games and Fallout 3 directory.

Installed d3d9.dll into Fallout 3 directory.

Created a merge patch for my mods using FO3Edit.

Installed Fallout 3 4GB Enabler mod.

Uninstalled some of my larger mods to free up some space.

Loaded a prior save before loading my actual save.

Loading my save game twice.

Killing myself/blowing myself up after loading my game. (This one seemed to be doing the trick for a while, but now seems to have stopped working altogether.)


And here's a list of my active mods after being sorted by BOSS:

Fallout 3.esm












Vault 101 Revisited.esm

Advanced Recon Tech.esm

Energy Visuals Enhanced.esm

Energy Weapons Enhanced.esm

Mart's Mutant Mod.esm


Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm





Reduced Dust Particles.esp

BetterGame Performance.esp

DarNified UIF3.esp

Dynamic Crosshair.esp

Street Lights - Wasteland.esp

No Blur on Hit.esp

CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp


Overhead 3P Camera.esp

Purge Cell Buffer.esp

Followers Relax.esp

CONELRAD 640 - 1240.esp

Ultimate Perk Pack - Original Perks.esp

Ultimate Perk Pack - Quest Perks.esp

Ice Cold Nuka, Converted.esp

Stealth Kills Enabled.esp

Stealth Kills Enabled - Pitt compatibility.esp

Cryo Weapons - Vanilla.esp

MTC Wasteland Travelers.esp

MTC Wasteland Travelers (Optional) - Crowded Cities.esp

Mini Hideout.esp

Megaton House and Theme Overhaul.esp


Scavenger Shop Items.esp

Weapon Mod Kits.esp


EWE Supermutant Energy Weapons.esp

ZL - ACR.esp

ZL - SVD.esp


ZL -MP5 Pack.esp

Advanced Recon Armor.esp

Advanced Recon Gear.esp

Brothehood of Steel DX.esp

Colossus Armor.esp

Combat Duster.esp

Dogmeat Leather Armor - no crafting.esp

Dragonskin Tactical Outfit.esp

Dragonskin Bonus Pack.esp

Ghost Bodysuit.esp

Ghost Armor HGEC - Conversion.esp

Kikai Equipment.esp

Stealthboy Recone Armor - CRAFT.esp

T3_Leather Armors.esp

Wasteland Soldier Armor.esp

Unique Dogmeat.esp

Vanishing Ash and Goo Piles.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp

Jessi Companion.esp

Kelsey Companion.esp

Bittercup Companion.esp

Lucy West Companion.esp

EWE DLC addon.esp

Fellout - Full.esp

Realistic Interior Lighting.esp

Realistic Interior Lighting - BS.esp

Realistic Interior Lighting - OA.esp

Realistic Interior Lighting - PL.esp

Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main.esp

A Better Railway Rifle.esp

Advanced REcon Armor - No Stealth Field.esp



Improved Vault Suit (12).esp

Black Baseball Caps.esp

Bornagain Reily's Ranger Helmet Texture Patch.esp

Bornagain Zeta Combat Armor Texture Patch.esp

RHK Brisa Almodover - DLC.esp

Companions don't steal XP.esp

Exo Armor.esp

LD Female Power Armor Pack Anchorage.esp

LD Female Power Armor Pack.esp

LD Female Power Armor Pack The Pitt.esp

LD Female Power Armor Pack Broken Steel.esp

Fine Leather Coat.esp

Neunen's Axes.esp

Grenade Launcher_Functional.esp

Just Another Vision Mod.esp


Less Bouncy Grenades.esp





No Blur Effect.esp



Reaver Fix.esp

Recon Armor MKII.esp

S&W 5906 10mm Pistol Replacer extended.esp

S&W 5906 10mm DLC02 Pistol Replacer.esp

S&W 5906 10mm Pistol Replacer.esp

Tenpenny Tower Alternate Endings.esp



JHB Workbench Repair.esp

Weather Group Script Test.esp


HZSmoothLight - FO3.esp


Flora Overhaul.esp

Clutter Removal - All.esp

Merged Patch 1.esp


So if anyone has any help to offer, it would be much appreciated. Many thanks in advance.


P.S. As a slightly less important problem, lately my game has been blue screening my computer when I play with my PS3 controller. Anyone know what's up with that? It not, I can live with using a keyboard and mouse...I think.

Edited by InfectiousMold
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System specifications are?


It would appear that you have exceeded the arbitrary mod limit of Fallout3. You will need to disable and uninstall some of your mods. Just a beginning, StreetLights-Wasteland.esp is included in StreetLights.esm, so you can disable and uninstall it.

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