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How to DDS Export


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I am making some alterations to dark elf face textures using Gimp. I open the file, un-checked open mipmap layers, make my changes (save the file as an .xcf, in case I ever want to start over), flatten image and select export as femalehead_msn.dds. And this is as far as I've gotten. I'm not sure what export settings I should use:




First try I went with default settings, didn't even select generate mipmaps. And, of course the resulting DDS had no mipmaps. Second time, I selected generate mipmaps but changed nothing else (exactly like the image above) and I got mipmaps but with black backgrounds instead of transparent. Can someone please help me with this, what settings should I change and to what? For a face texture, if that matters.

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You need to use compression. The only viable options for Skyrim are DXT1, DXT3 & DXT5. If there is any transparency at all, DXT1 most likely will not work. DXT5 is the "safe bet" but it is largest in file size. Since you know what it is supposed to look like, you can try DXT3 and see how it appears in game. Be sure to generate mipmaps (a few things don't use it, but most do). Everything else can be left at the default values (as far as I know).


Someone may come along with better knowledge, if so, do whatever they say.

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Thank you!


I tried DX1 compression and it atleast looks right when I open it again with gimp. So as long as it looks fine in the game I guess I'll go with that one. Unless someone has a reason for the others being preferred?

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Photoshop CS2 although quite an old version is available free from Adobe. The Nvidia dds plugin is also available too.


Is that the latest Nvidia DDS plugin or are you using an old version?

Is this the correct one? --> https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-texture-tools-adobe-photoshop

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I do not get black borders/backgrounds on mip maps if I use DXT1 or DXT5 compression. But those leaves parts of the face a pixelated mess so I can't use them. Anyone know how to get transparent mip map borders using the 8.8.8 RGB 24bit setting (in Photoshop)?



Image to show what I am talking about:



On the left there is the transparent background but it was done with DXT1 so the quality is too poor to use. On the right I used 8.8.8 RGB 24bit which is the quality I need but then the borders turn black.


*EDIT* after poking around and trying different things I found that using ARGB 32 bpp unsigned setting has the transparent background settings, like in the original file. Perhaps the creator misremembered when they told me to use 8.8.8 RGB 24bit. Or it could still be that there is some obscure setting that I don't know.

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