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Is there a mod to bring more ambient light so that shadows don't clip to fully black?


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I've been playing for a few days now and I notice with the vanilla graphics that there is a lot of clipping to white and clipping to black. The highlights don't usually bother me, but clipping to black bothers. Even if I raise the brightness, no details come out from the black, it just washes out the brighter areas and looks horrible.


So is there some mod or parameter that I can use to bring more ambient light, sort of like what Morrowind used to have? I've read a lot about ENB mods, which require something called ENB. They seem to mostly have stuff about making things even darker. And seem like hours worth of hassle and a dramatic FPS loss, too. (I only have a core 2 duo and hd4870.) But if I went that route, what should I get? I've searched for a good while already, so this is sort of the last straw left to ask..

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watch MMOxreviews videos he goes through a bunch of mods and he has reviewed most every ENB out there. he will tell you which ones are high impact and which ones are low impact and he even has comparisons with other ENBs.

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