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New water shader?


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I watched a video of the one vine house that Qarl put a lot of time into making, and it was going around the house, the textures on everything were amazing, but then I saw the water and it just looked really, really bad. I was wondering if someone could make the water look as close to this http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/5395/crysis64200802031749155pk4.jpg as possible. I am not meaning replace with tessellation or anything if that's even possible, I mean just maybe replace it with a better shader? I have photoshop, and a picture in my head but I am not clear on how to do it. If a modder could make this look good enough I am sure it would go perfect with other Qarls textures!
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I don't think you realize how extremely (and im not using that word lightly) hard that will be. Oblivions water is hard coded into the engine code. The fine people at the OGE (Oblivion Graphics Extender) team have barely unlocked the surface of the code. A new water shader, to my general knowledge, would require us to hack into the surface normals. Its a long process that was talked about on this thread here. Its not impossible though, we have Dynamic Depth of Field, SSAO, Godrays, Celshading, and so many more full screen shaders available so a new water shader could be coming.
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Ehh..most water mods make Oblivions water unusually blue, way too clear or impossibly murky. I find that vanilla water is so far the best out there. But of course this is just my taste and opinion.

Ever seen the Morrowind water? Trust me, Oblivion water bites.

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Of course I seen the morrowind water :) Im talking about oblivion water.


Yes, I know. I was offering it up as a comparion. Morrowind water = water Done Right. Oblivion water = Ur Doin It Wrong.

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Yes, I know. I was offering it up as a comparion. Morrowind water = water Done Right. Oblivion water = Ur Doin It Wrong.

You can't really compare a few years of hard work to Oblivion water as oblivion will just lose. Morrowind was a dx8 game and several years old so we had plently of resources to add new features to it. Now if Oblivion and Morrowind both had 3 years at the same time to develop new water then you can judge. The MGE team and contributors have by far surpassed anything that oblivion has now on many levels. In its time of fame, oblivion water was the bomb. Early MGE water tried to copy oblivion's look until someone said make 3d waves then add caustics. So when you say "you're doing it wrong" is silly because we haven't even bothered to achieve something new. But the OGE team looks like they're cooking up some new stuff so we shall see.

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I saw a mod that didnt make the water blue (i know that most mods do - it looks stupid)

I believe it's name was something like enhanced water but im not sure

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