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How To Change A Weapon From Equipping On The Back To Equipping On The


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It always bugged me that Katanas were used in one hand, as they are more often than not used as two handed weapons. (They were/are used on-handed occasionally, but rarely, and never by themselves.) So I tried making a two handed Katana, except it equipped at the hip and I drew an invisible sword off my back. It took me a while to figure out how to get the katana to equip on the back, but it turned out to be very easy.


First, you will need NIFSkope, which you can get from here:




Open up NFSkope, load a weapon mesh of your choice, and hit F2. Click on the plus sign next to '0 NiNode' in the BLock List menu, which should open up some more options.


Then, click once on 'NiStringExtraData' in the Block List menu, which should bring up a few options under the Block Details menu. There should be one called 'String Data'. This will have a value of either 'SideWeapon' or 'BackWeapon'. Change it to wherever you want it to equip, and make sure that you use the appropriate weapon type for the equip slot. (Two-Handed for Back and One-Handed for side.) Then, just make sure to save the .nif file. That should be it. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, and if this was already posted, sorry.

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  • 1 month later...
What about the akaviri dai-katana that's two-handed

Akaviri Katanas are one-handed weapons and Akaviri Dai-Katanas are two-handed; B.t.w you could have seen (if you brought Martin to Cloud Ruler Temple) that Jauffre has a two-handed katana and you had Captain Renault`s Akaviri Katana which was one-handed, so you could figure out that there are one- and two-handed katanas

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It always bugged me that Katanas were used in one hand, as they are more often than not used as two handed weapons. (They were/are used on-handed occasionally, but rarely, and never by themselves.) So I tried making a two handed Katana, except it equipped at the hip and I drew an invisible sword off my back. It took me a while to figure out how to get the katana to equip on the back, but it turned out to be very easy.


First, you will need NIFSkope, which you can get from here:




Open up NFSkope, load a weapon mesh of your choice, and hit F2. Click on the plus sign next to '0 NiNode' in the BLock List menu, which should open up some more options.


Then, click once on 'NiStringExtraData' in the Block List menu, which should bring up a few options under the Block Details menu. There should be one called 'String Data'. This will have a value of either 'SideWeapon' or 'BackWeapon'. Change it to wherever you want it to equip, and make sure that you use the appropriate weapon type for the equip slot. (Two-Handed for Back and One-Handed for side.) Then, just make sure to save the .nif file. That should be it. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, and if this was already posted, sorry.

If you brought Martin to Cloud Ruler Temple and Jauffre made you a member of the Blades, then you could have taken Akaviri Dai-Katana, which is two-handed. And you have not known this existed?! *sigh*

B.t.w., you could have seen Jauffre fighting with two-handed katana, which means they exist, and have existed before you brought this to our attention.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It always bugged me that Katanas were used in one hand, as they are more often than not used as two handed weapons. (They were/are used on-handed occasionally, but rarely, and never by themselves.) So I tried making a two handed Katana, except it equipped at the hip and I drew an invisible sword off my back. It took me a while to figure out how to get the katana to equip on the back, but it turned out to be very easy.


First, you will need NIFSkope, which you can get from here:




Open up NFSkope, load a weapon mesh of your choice, and hit F2. Click on the plus sign next to '0 NiNode' in the BLock List menu, which should open up some more options.


Then, click once on 'NiStringExtraData' in the Block List menu, which should bring up a few options under the Block Details menu. There should be one called 'String Data'. This will have a value of either 'SideWeapon' or 'BackWeapon'. Change it to wherever you want it to equip, and make sure that you use the appropriate weapon type for the equip slot. (Two-Handed for Back and One-Handed for side.) Then, just make sure to save the .nif file. That should be it. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, and if this was already posted, sorry.


you do realise that there is ALREADY a TWO HANDED akavari katana in the game??? its called a Akavari-Dai Katana... you can find it in cloud ruler temple armoury... have fun

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Also, at Cloud Ruler Temple I saw one of the Blades sparring another guy, one had a shield and a katana and the other was wielding a katana two-handed. So I think there might be one in the game, or else the NPC's have hax...

akanari warblade is two handed

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