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Is there another Earth?


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In the beginning of the universe, things were caotic, out of order, and very messy. Constant astriod impacts, planet impacts, and star formation bathed in deadly radiation filled the expanses of exsistence. But one planet to date housed something truly remarkable against all odds, Earth, and it continued to do so despite numerous mass extinctions. Within its gut, a miricale pushed itself across its surface, and challenged the universe at the time, life. It proved that it was very diverse, capable of exsisting at the smallest measure. It also proved to be resilient, often recovering from devestating events. With that said in mind is it diverse and resilent enough to exsist beyond our blue marble? This one galaxy that we call home is also home to billions if not trillions of planets, all within the possibility of harboring living organisms. But its only one galaxy out of trillions, and the planets that exsist in all combined is far from imaginable. It seems unlikley that we are alone, but are we? Are we the only witnesses to walking flesh and bone, do we live on the only Earth?
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Most scientist agree that there is life in other planet, how far evolved it's a question, but it's too difficult Earth be the only planet with life in all Universe, so even if it's only microorganism there's life outer there.

And off course if take account what the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy says about it that as the Universe is infinite and the number of planets that's have life is finite the number of life forms is zero (as any number divide by infinite tend to zero).

So no need to worry.. much.

a small geek joke hehe

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Yes... It's on the exact opposite side of the sun and has an orbit exactly matched to our own. Solar interference prevents most signals and detection from being possible. It was only discovered during a test of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's camera when a series of images of the Earth were taken from a high Mars orbit. But was soon declared a "glitch" in an effort to stop rumors that would embarrass the scientific community for not noticing it before. And that's how a conspiracy theory is born. Edited by Vagrant0
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Congratulations. Yes, Life is everywhere. Something else you did want to know?


Like Nikola Tesla already used to say: The whole value is in between the atoms.




S0 there you go.





Alien spaceship passing by!




0h n0w its g0ne.




Thought i make a visualisation in letters.

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Right now, we do not know either way. They have found small fossilized organisms on the surface of Mars, but they're microscopic from what I understand. So yes, there is scientific evidence that "suggests" the existence of alien life. Does it, for sure, exist? Good question, because they don't really know, and we're not going to know until we find them.


Plus, it's a common fiction element that the aliens find us. If, key word, if, they exist, there's a possibility that we could find them first instead. If that is the case, we might know for sure for several hundred years.

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Right now, we do not know either way.



That statement is beautifull.


Everyone can be an explorer. :smile:


This statement has truth. Plenty of conspiracy theorists, alien junkies, and rogue scientists searching the stars for answers. You don't even need to be specialized to start a crusade on making people believe in life on other planets. Only time will tell.

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There are no current planets with intelligent life on them. (including Earth). You humans just go about your lives,worrying about stuff on your own planet..last thing we "aliens" need is you humans starting a war on our planet because someones racist against purple people..so watch your star streks and your battlestar galacticas.. cause us other intelligent lifeforms don't frakkin want the extra attention.




PS: i totally forgot.. it slipped my mind..Earth is currently in the way of an intersteller highway construction and if it doesn't move in the next 2 years we'll be forced to destroy it. ( hey..people need to get to work)



so long and thanks for the fish.

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