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How to add particles to NIFs?


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So, I had an idea about making barrels smoke before they explode.

I already tried before adding those premade MPS particles to Nifs I wanted, but they never showed up in the game.

So, does anyone know how to do it? I just need the smoking particle which is attached to a havok'd object and moves with it. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

MPS can be touchy. In fact that's why i generally start with my own custom MPS.
As for particle emittes, those are more reliable.

Two ways to creat them. One is manually via Nifskope (hope you like #'s, and tediously inputting values!)

The other is Blender.
Blender can do CIV4 exports (the game... Civilization). Using blender you can create your own particle emitters, and emit with values intended for CIV.
You can choose when they start, stop, speed, growth, rotation, and other values such as UV Quadrants ect.
Experiment with particle systems in Blender, and you'll be on your way.

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